Air Ticket Prices, Increased
Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah
Badr and Tarco Airlines announced significant increases in (direct flight) prices from Port Sudan International Airport.
The price of a ticket to Riyadh reached 625 thousand pounds, compared to 600 thousand, while the price of a ticket to Jeddah increased to 500 thousand pounds, compared to453 thousand pounds, Dammam 550 thousand pounds, compared to 545 thousand pounds.
Meanwhile, the price of a ticket to Dubai reached 937 thousand pounds, compared to 820 thousand pounds. The price of a ticket to Doha increased slightly, amounting to 715 thousand pounds, compared to 710 thousand pounds. The price of a ticket to Cairo reached 600 thousand pounds, compared to 562 thousand pounds. The price of a ticket to Entebbe reached 812 thousand pounds, compared to 600 thousand pounds, Juba 625 thousand pounds, compared to 550 thousand pounds, Istanbul 680 thousand pounds, compared to 550 thousand pounds