
Ansar Suna Supports Army

Sudan Events/ Follow-ups

The Ansar Al-Sunnah Al-Mohammadiyah religious sect Group in Sudan has announced its support for the armed forces, which it describes as the official and national institution that represents all the people of Sudan, and rejected any attempts to undermine it.
The group’s media affirmed in a statement today (Monday) its support for the general movement , defense of the country, and involvement in the ranks of jihad and popular resistance under the command and leadership of the armed forces.
It called on the Sudanese people to stand together in face of rebellion, looting gangs, chaos, and barbaric aggression.
It condemned the terrible violations committed by the rebel Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and its allied militias and gangs, involved in looting, pillage, murder, rape, displacement and sabotage, and called for its continued condemnation, rejection and resistance.
The Group declared its categorical rejection of the multiplicity of armies in the country and the necessity of freeing the country of the multiplicity of military fronts.
It affirmed its support for the people with everything it has, and wished the armed forces success, rational plans, victory and support.
The group urged those with money to spend on the needy, console those affected, be merciful to people in buying, selling and renting, and support the armed forces generously.
It called for the rejection of regionalism and tribalism, despite the fact that the war of rebellion had tribal principles, and called for a meeting under the umbrella of Islam, the one religion in one country.
The group called on those who still support the rebellion to stop advocating falsehood, and external parties with special agendas and interests to stop interfering in the affairs of the country and supporting the rebellion.

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