
Civil Society Organisations Condemn Shut Down of Communications in Sudan

Khartoum – Sudan Events

Civil society organizations issued a statement condemning the Rapid Support RSF militia for shutting down communications in Sudan.

The organizations (Hadhrin Organization, the Sudanese American Medical Society (SAMA), the Strategic Initiative for Women of the Horn of Africa (Sayha Network)) said: “We strongly condemn the cutting off of communications services in Sudan by the Rapid Support RSF Militia since the beginning of February until we reached this complete interruption of communications services in most parts If not the entire country, addition to many violations since April 15 of last year.

This behavior is a full-fledged crime against humanity and its rights guaranteed by international laws, as it directly threatens the lives of civilians who depend almost entirely on banking applications and other solutions provided by telecommunications companies in their daily dealings.

It also impedes the arrival of humanitarian aid, which threatens the lives of millions. Civilians trapped in the heat of the war taking place in various parts of the country, addition to it direct affect on freedom of expression and access to information about what is happening on reality in the areas of armed conflict and the rest of Sudan.

We call on the international community to condemn this behavior and take concrete steps to stop this crime, by pressing the militia leaders to restore the communications network, facilitate passage for employees in all sectors, and ensure their safety so that services return immediately throughout the country.

Finally, we stress the need to respect human rights and ensure the safety of civilians and their right to life, addition to access to information.

We also urge all parties to stop violence and resort to the language of dialogue.

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