
Financial expert reveals the losses of telecommunications companies

Sudan Events_Nahed Oshi

Economic and financial expert, Dr. Ali God Abdul Razzaq Allallah said that the state of isolation that Sudan is experiencing due to the interruption of communications networks and the Internet, which constitutes an obstacle to the continuity of the movement of citizens, the business sector, and government institutions in performing business and providing services.
He said that if communications and Internet service interruptions continue, it will set back economic and commercial transactions, as it is expected that this interruption will cause disruption in the joints of economic and commercial transactions, especially export and import operations.

Ali Allah revealed the cost of cutting off internet service, which exceeds five million dollars a day. These are losses incurred by telecommunications companies in Sudan, whose investments are estimated at about two billion dollars. In his interview with (Sudan Events), he considered the interruption of internet service to be a destruction of the most important vital infrastructure sector, and a complete devastation of the economy. Comprehensively, while the banking sector and airline companies remain among the most important affected by this interruption, as the banking sector and its foreign transfers are affected, he said that the step negatively affects the movement of exports and imports, so the banking sector remains the most affected economic sector, followed by the transportation sector, which is expected to a lot of revenue is lost due to the loss of connectivity and other services it provides, in addition to more than 12 million mobile phone users being affected, as it is expected that their commercial activities will stop if the interruption of communication and Internet service continues.
Within the framework of government institutions, he pointed out that the Central Bank of Sudan is one of the sectors that will be most affected by the Internet outage, especially in terms of clearing settlement and feeding bank accounts.

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