
Al Burhan: We will Defeat Daglo Terrorist Militia

Al -Dabba – Sudan Events

President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council TSC and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces SAF 1st Lt. Gen. Abdul Fattah Al Burhan , arrived the Northern State as part of his state tours for Divisions and units, where the citizens of the city of Al-Dabba flocked to receive him in the streets of the city.
His Excellency greeted the crowds of citizens, affirming that he had ended the cancer of the rebels of Daglo family terrorist militia by supporting the Sudanese people and rallying around the State and its Armed forces SAF .
During the tour, His Excellency inspected the officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the 19th Infantry Division, affirming that the armed forces SAF do not fight alone and that the Sudanese people fight with them, support them and rally around them, pledging to fight until victory for the dignity of this people and their armed forces.
His Excellency said that the Sudanese army SAF has not been defeated and will not never be defeated, Allah willing, and that the state’s battle against Daglo family terrorist militia is a battle of dignity.
These forces rebelled, looted the money and property of the Sudanese people, raped their women, and killed citizens.
His Excellency added that these rebel commanders and rebels will not be accepted by the Sudanese people, but will hold them accountable.
His Excellency affirmed that the rebels are now working to incite chieftains, sheiks and tribal elders and citizens to fight the State, the armed forces SAF and the Sudanese people.
We have information about all these movements and strife, but our confidence is that they will not respond to this terrorist militia.
The President of the Sovereignty Council TSC and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces SAF reaffirmed the Sudanese people that the armed forces SAF are advancing in all axes and are working hard to achieve victory and defeat this enemy very soon .
His Excellency pointed out that the rebels are killing and looting and are asking organizations for support and relief.
He affirmed that this will not happen until this war is stopped and these criminal rebels are defeated from the homes of citizens, government and service institutions, and from all the cities they looted and occupied in Nyala, El Geneina, Madani, and Khartoum, and all the looted goods are returned. Which they stole.
Pointing out that the betrayal of this enemy began in the year 2019 through plans to take over this country, but they are difficult for them, as the Sudanese people and their armed forces will not allow that.
The President of the Sovereignty Council TSC and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces SAF explained that since October the year before last, they had agreed to form a government from all the Sudanese people and not from specific political forces, but the rebel leader prepared a list to form a government based on loyalty, demanding that we deal with this government, and when we told him this is not our agreement, The agreement was that the government would be formed from all the Sudanese people.
Then the rebel commander began an alliance with some politicians to rule the country alone, so he waged his war against the people, the State and the armed forces SAF on April 15 from the sports city and Meroe and occupied some strategic areas of the state with his soldiers, fabricating lies that the SAF was the one who He attacked them and started the war.
Commenting on the rumor of a coup, His Excellency added that everyone who says there is a coup is fake and delusional, affirming that the entire SAF is at the heart of one man, and all of us together will end this rebellion, Allah willing.
At the end of his speech, His Excellency sent a message to the citizens, leaders of civil administrations, chieftains , sheikhs, and supervisors in Mestreha and Kabkabiya not to deviate from the right path and be led by these criminals.
His Excellency appreciated the efforts of the Sudanese and the heroes of the armed forces SAF who are working against one man to defeat this rebellion and return Sudan to its natural position.

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