
Guterres Calls for New Global Order 


Sudan Events – Sumaya Sayed 

UN Secretary-General António Guterres told world leaders attending the Munich Security Conference in Germany on Friday “Global governance in its present form is entrenching divisions and fuelling discontent”.

“Our world is facing existential challenges, but the global community is more fragmented and divided than at any time during the past 75 years,” he said, highlighting the need for “a global order that works for everyone”.

Mr. Guterres said if countries fulfilled their obligations under the UN Charter, every person on earth would live in peace and dignity.

However, governments are ignoring these commitments and millions of civilians are paying a terrible price, with record numbers forced to flee.

Addressing the conflict in Gaza, he said nothing can justify the unconscionable attacks launched on 7 October, and nothing can justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people in Israel’s military response.

Furthermore, the war triggered by the Russian invasion of Ukraine two years ago “in clear violation of the UN Charter” has no place in 21st century Europe. The suffering and loss of lives has been appalling, while the impact on the global economy has been devastating, particularly for developing countries.

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