
Terrorism: Turkish Police Capture 47 ISIS Suspects


Sudan Events – Sumaya Sayed 

In major cities like the capital Ankara and the financial hub Istanbul, Turkish police detained 47 individuals with suspected links to the terrorist group ISIS, said Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya on Wednesday.

On X, Yerlikaya said police also carried out simultaneous Operation Bozdogan-6 raids in the cities of Adana and Bursa under the coordination of the Security Intelligence Directorate and the Anti-Terrorism Department.

Twenty-two suspects working for Daesh/ISIS were detained in Istanbul while another was captured in Kirikkale, 15 more in Ankara, two in Adana, and seven in Bursa.

“For the peace, unity, and solidarity of our beloved nation, we will not give any respite to those terrorists,” he said.

“We will continue our fight uninterruptedly with the superior efforts of our security forces,” Yerlikaya added.

“A total of 1,162 operations have been carried out against Daesh since June 1, 2023, and 2,402 suspects were captured in the operations,” he said, congratulating police on their successful operations.

Türkiye is one of the first countries to declare Daesh/ISIS a terror organization. It has since been attacked by the terror group multiple times, with more than 300 victims killed and hundreds more injured in at least 10 suicide bombings, seven bomb attacks, and four armed attacks.

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