
Gibriel Ibrahim: Government is Facing Unprecedented Financial Deficit


Al Arabiya Net – Sudan Events

Sudanese Minister of Finance, Jibriel Ibrahim, said in a television interview with Al Arabiya channel, that the military conflict taking place in Sudan has led to the deterioration of infrastructure and the exacerbation of the economic crisis in the country. Although the exact size of the losses resulting from the conflict was not determined, he confirmed that the economic situation in Sudan is going through difficult and disastrous times.

Ibrahim pointed out that the Sudanese government faces an unprecedented financial deficit, which makes it unable to secure the salaries of state employees for a period that may reach at least three years, even if the war stops. He added that the winter agricultural season had failed before it began, leading to a shortage of resources in the country. He stressed that the government treasury is almost empty, and what is available in it is hardly enough to meet the state’s obligations towards the armed struggle movements.

Jibriel Ibrahim explained that the current war in Sudan led to inflation levels rising to 300%, compared to 80% last year before the outbreak of the conflict. He expected inflation rates to reach 450% by the end of this year, which would increase the country’s economic pressures.

These statements are a new warning of the deteriorating economic situation in Sudan due to the current war between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), that caused massive destruction to the country’s infrastructure, which led to the cessation of economic and productive activities in several regions of the country with the displacement of millions of residents who were displaced from their homes as a result of this violent conflict.

These latest developments are part of a series of tragic events afflicting Sudan, where the military conflict is worsening and economic and humanitarian problems are worsening. International and local officials call for the need to find a political solution to the conflict, rebuild the country, and provide the necessary support to the displaced and war-affected population.

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