
AlBurhan from Kassala: Dignity Battle will end with crushing the rebellion and defeating it completely

Kassala – Sudan Events

Lieutenant General Abdelfattah Al-Burhan, the head of the Transitional Sovereignty Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, arrived in the state of Kassala as part of his regional tours to the divisions and units, where the citizens of Kassala eagerly welcomed him in the city streets.
His Excellency greeted the crowds of citizens in the state, indicating that the tribal diversity in the state of Kassala represents a model of social unity.

During the tour, he inspected officers, non-commissioned officers, and soldiers of the 41st Infantry Division in Kassala, emphasizing that the Armed Forces are committed to their mission of defeating this rebellion and overcoming it definitively.

He praised the high level of readiness of the regular forces in all their units in the eastern region and their readiness to carry out the next phase of military operations.

His Excellency appreciated the role of the state government and the regular institutions for supporting and assisting them in the military effort. He acknowledged the people’s mobilization in popular resistance, responding to the nation’s call, and joining the ranks of the Armed Forces to confront and defeat this rebellion, securing the country, and protecting its land and honor. He pointed out that the popular will, sincerity, and the honorable sons of this nation are the driving force to support the Armed Forces.

The Head of the Transitional Sovereignty Council affirmed that the Armed Forces are advancing on all fronts and will soon meet all forces in every inch of this homeland.

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