
Sudanese Foreign Ministry Reveals Militia Crimes During Communications Outage

Sudan Events – Agencies
Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that what it described as criminal militia gangs attacked this week many villages in South Kordofan state in the areas of Habila, Dalenj and Lagawa burning five villages, killing more than 60 defenseless villagers, and kidnapping many others, addition to destroying  of thousands of Acres planted with food crops.
It pointed in a press statement that the militia used the media blackout that it imposed due to its shutdown of communications networks, particularly in Khartoum and Gexiranstates, to escalate its terrorist operations against civilians and village residents in the areas of West Sennar and Gezira state.
It affirmed that during the last days, the militia killed 20 citizens from the village of Wad Al-Aziz, west of Sennar, more than 17 citizens from the village of Wad Al-Balila, west of Gezira State, 12 civilians from the village of Muayjna, and 7 from the village of Al-Uqda Al-Maghariba.
The statement noted that at the same time, the militia is imposing a siege on the city of Tabit Sheikh Abdul Mahmoud, the religious center known in Gezira state, and preventing the exit or entry of citizens or the arrival of goods and supplies to it.
Addition to killing innocent civilians, the militia humiliates citizens during its attacks, kidnaps some of them, and loots their property, particularly cars and agricultural machinery.
Media reports also stated that during the last  few days, the militia kidnapped dozens of women from one of the areas of Khartoum North )Bahri ) ,and subjected them to sexual violence, prompting about a hundred families to flee the area.
Al -Sayha” women’s network documented about 180 cases of rape committed by the militia in the areas it attacked.
It noted that the new campaign of terrorism by the militia against defenseless citizens and safe villages comes as an extension of the war of aggression that it is waging against the Sudanese people, and as a reaction to the spontaneous popular celebrations of the recent victories of the armed forces SAF which is the same method that terrorist groups have continued to follow everywhere, as those groups realize the vast gap between them and societies and that they have no way to influence these societies except through violence and terrorism.

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