
The SAF Continues its Military Attacks on The RSF in Omdurman

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

On Sunday, The SAF resumed its attacks on the Rapid Support Forces RSF in the axis east of the old city of Omdurman, and was able to advance and deploy in Aburouf neighborhood near the Radio and TV area.
Local sources and eyewitnesses reported land battles and clashes with machine guns in the east and west of the city.
The SAF also targeted Rapid Support RSF gatherings in the vicinity of Radio and TV through marches, which caused losses amid the support forces RSF present there, according to military sources.
It is noteworthy that the President of the Sovereignty CouncilTSC and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces SAF Lt.Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, confirmed last Wednesday that the SAF was ready to carry out the next phase of operations, stressing that “the battle will end with the defeat of the rebellion and its final defeat.”
He added that the armed forces SAF are advancing on all fronts and will soon be deployed in every inch of Sudan.
This came a day after Al-Burhan announced that there would be no political process in the country if the ongoing war with the Rapid Support Forces RSF did not end.
Addition, last evening, the army liberated Bait al-Mal neighborhood in Omdurman from the rebel Rapid Support RSF militia.
Officers, non-commissioned officers, soldiers of the army and the Operations Authority celebrated the liberation of the treasury from inside Masidah ( Mosque) Sheikh al-Amin, and Lt. Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces SAF directed to secure Masidah and transfer residents to safe areas under the guard of the armed forces SAF.

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