
Deaths and Injuries in New Violations by the RSF Militia in Gezira

Gezira – Sudan Events

Members of the Rapid Support Forces RSF invaded many villages in Gezira State to loot and steal while the villages of West Al-Hasahisa in particular were subjected to widespread violations that left deaths and injuries while defending their property, according to an eyewitness to “Darfur 24.”
Communications were shutdown from all parts of the country for more than a couple weeks, leaving large areas of the country isolated from the world, while the Sudani network returned days later in the eastern and northern areas of the country, and the rest of the states remained outside the coverage area of ​​all networks.
Citizens of the villages west of Al-Hasahisa told Darfur 24 that some villages had their youths killed even after the residents handed over all their money and cars to the Rapid Support RSF militia.
According to identical sources; The Rapid Support Forces RSF raided the villages of Tabit Sheikh Abdul Mahmoud, terrorized the residents, killed and injured them, and turned the situation into a state of continuous displacement.

Last week, the villages of Al-Farijab witnessed a mass exodus after widespread looting and intimidation that left 4 deaths and injured, including serious ones.

The Rapid Support Forces RSF said in a statement on their official page on the (X) platform that they deal decisively with the unruly people in their ranks, but the violations continued even after this statement.
The Rapid Support Forces RSF invaded the villages of “Abu Aadarah, Wadi Shair, Futais, Umm Dawana, Al-Laouta Al-Mahi, Al-Sariha, Azraq, Maryoud, and Tannoub.” The Rapid Support Forces RSF also killed seven citizens in the village of Al-Oqda Al-Maghariba.
An eyewitness told Darfur 24 that the Rapid Support Forces RSF killed five residents of the village of Abu Adara.
The official page of the Hasahisa Resistance Committees reported that four people were killed in the villages of Gharqana and Umm Jaris, eight were killed in the village of Muayjanah, and dozens were injured.
In the village of Al-Nadiyana, the Rapid Support Forces RSF killed a citizen and wounded his son and nephew.
According to the Hasahisa Resistance Committees, the Rapid Support Forces RSF killed a citizen in the village of Al-Aykoura after beating him. They also killed a citizen in the village of Al-Jamouiya and wounded two.
According to a statement issued by the Abu Quta Resistance Committees.
The Rapid Support RSF militia invaded the villages of Al-Musalmiyya (Wad Kari, Al-Manasir, Al-Kubar, and the village of Abdul Rahman).
Social networking sites circulated video clips that showed a movement of displacement from some villages towards Al-Manaqil.

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