
Democratic Unionist Party Condemns the RSF Crimes In Gezira

Khartoum – Sudan Events 

The Democratic Unionist Party ( the original)said that it is following with great concern the heinous massacres, brutal crimes, blatant violations and repeated attacks committed by the rebel Rapid Support RSF militias against innocent citizens in the villages Gezira State after they seized the state capital, the city of Wad Madani.
Mohamed Farouk Ali Idris said
Secretary of the States Secretariat of the Democratic Federal Party is a barbaric invasion and terrorist attack by the Rapid Support RSF militia on several areas of the villages of Gezira State is considered by the Democratic Federal Party to be a blatant challenge to all international conventions, laws and norms, a blatant transgression of all ethics known to humanity since time immemorial, and a blatant violation of the rights of citizens that requires holding criminals accountable and bringing them to account. For prompt and urgent trials.

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