
Crop prices rise

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

Follow-ups (events) revealed an increase in crop prices coinciding with the beginning of the month of Ramadan.
According to trade in the Damazin crop market, the price of a sack of fatritah reached 27,000 pounds, the price of a sack of Wad Ahmad was 27,000 pounds, while the price of a sack of corn was 32,000 pounds, while the price of a sack of millet reached 50,000 pounds.
At a time, the price of a regular Wekah Sarah bag was 90 thousand pounds, and the price of a Wekah Sara stretched bag (10) kilos was 120 thousand pounds, while the price of a bag of peanuts reached 35 thousand pounds, and a quintal of sesame reached 72 thousand pounds, at a time when the price of a bag of peanuts reached 35 thousand pounds. The quintal of hashab gum reached 75 thousand pounds, a quintal of kakamut gum reached 25 thousand pounds, the price of a quintal of acacia gum reached 35 thousand pounds, while the price of a quintal of metric cotton reached 65 thousand pounds, and the price of a ton of sunflower reached 35 thousand pounds.

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