
War Cessation Requirements

By: Amgad Fareid

The cessation of war in Sudan is inextricably linked to the demise of the alternative distorted narratives that have dominated since April 15, 2023. Regrettably, there is a noticeable resurgence of these deceptive narratives while the militia’s affiliates and the self-serving members of the political elite, both within and outside Taqadum, are actively engineering and promoting scenarios to ensure the Rapid Support Forces militia’s institutional continuity and secure a political stronghold for its leader, Hemedti, if the war stops. This is happening as though the litany of atrocities—murders, violations, thefts, rape and sexual assaults, and forced displacements—perpetrated by the RSF militia throughout the war did not happen!
Attempts to reverse time and establish a new power-sharing arrangement among the armed factions in the country, while providing justifications that present this as a commendable or acceptable effort to halt the war, is both irrational and unacceptable. It amounts to nothing more than an effort to secure political power through the use of military force.
The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) unequivocally cannot have institutional presence in Sudan’s future. It is evident that their presence within state is incompatible with the imperative of reform and progress or even rule of law. Moreover, the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the broader state machinery cannot persist in their current configuration without fundamental restructuring. The legacy of conflict necessitates a deliberate transformation, ensuring that the institutions align with democratic principles and serve the best interests of the Sudanese people.
Politicians whose only purpose is to further their own careers would do well to keep in mind that no amount of media spin or politically correct slogans will help them hide the truth about their true political leanings and actions. False information, outright lies, and alternate reality stories have no place in the world compared to the respect that the people of Sudan deserve.

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