
Extermination of huge quantaties of spoiled goods in the northern state

Sudan Events_Nahed Oshi

The Supreme Committee for Quality Control and Consumer Protection in the Northern State exterminated quantities of spoiled and expired goods estimated at 15 tons, which were collected from commercial stores in the Dongola Administrative Unit as part of the campaigns of the Inspection Committee for Markets and Commercial Stores, which began at the beginning of the second week of this month from Dongola locality.
Acting Director of the Sudanese Authority for Standardization and Metrology, Northern State Sector, Eng. Abdel-Azim Sayed Abbas, confirmed that the Supreme Committee for Quality Control and Consumer Protection was formed by a decision of the Governor of the Northern State and includes all relevant parties.
He pointed out that the committee discussed in its previous meetings the tasks and powers of the committee, its plans, programs and activities. He added that the committee’s work plan is based on three axes: the first axis is food and drug safety activity, the second axis is environmental sanitation, and the third and final axis is consumer awareness. He said that inspection campaigns will continue during the coming period to cover all seven localities in the state.
For his part, the Secretary General of the Supreme Council for Environment and Natural Resources and member of the Supreme Committee for Consumer Control and Protection, Engineer, Yacoub Ibrahim Muhammad Saleh, confirmed that the committee is considered one of the important committees that were formed in the northern state to control quality, protect the consumer from the dangers of spoiled and expired goods, and preserve the health of the citizen, indicating that the committee began implementing its programs and activities from the Dongola Administrative Unit, adding that the completion of the committee’s work will be the establishment of a landfill to burn spoiled and expired food materials with modern scientific specifications, west of the city of Dongola.

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