
Al-Jacomi: We don’t not look for a framework agreement or political incubator for the SAF

Sudan Events – Agencies 

Mohamed Sayed Ahmed Sir Al-Khatim Al-Jakoumi, Secretary-General of the National Forces Coordination, denied that his new alliance was an alternative to the framework agreement.
Al-Jakoumi said in an exclusive interview to the Investigator” that the National Forces Coordination is not a new framework agreement, adding that we do not seek to be an incubator for the SAF and we do not seek to form a government, explaining that the coordination has formed a committee to communicate with the forces supporting the army, and that within a month there will be large bodies. There is coordination, indicating that Malik Aqar, Vice President of the Sovereignty Council TSC is one of the founders of the coordination, and that the idea was born in his home.
He said that Aqar wanted not to disperse his efforts with a similar entity, and we are still in contact with the others until our vision is complete, stressing that the army is the safety valve for managing the stage.
Transitional Council TC , and he continued, “We are talking about a competent government with Al-Burhan retaining the Sovereignty Council TSC affirming the importance of a Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue that does not exclude anyone. He said, “We will not object to the invitation of the National Congress or the Islamic Movement for this dialogue, and that the election fund is the one that determines who rules and who is removed,” affirmed that progress An essential part of rapid support, and that they have no future, neither politically nor militarily.

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