
Jibril Ibrahim: The War Wouldn’t end through Negotiation

Cairo – Sudan Events

Minister of Finance excluded the head of the Justice and Equality Movement ( JEM) Dr. Jibril Ibrahim said that the war wouldn’t end through negotiation.
He added while meeting with journalists in Cairo that
The war is currently at its end, and Ibrahim identified the factors for the end of the rebellion as the military superiority of the army over the Rapid Support RSF Militia and the introduction of modern weapons, addition to the penetration of special action forces.
Moreover, no one expected the war to extend to homes and cities
He added that the real force of the rebellion was either killed, plundered or fled, and that what remained were youth who were deceived and lured by the plundered goods.
He said that the Misseriya tribe split the ranks of the rebellion due to the transformation that happened to them and affected the strength of the rebellion, in addition to the entry of armed movements because they know how to fight rebellion, and soon you will witness a change in the balance of power.
On the ground, in addition to popular resistance, there will be no victory for the rebellion
We expect the end soon
The Minister of Finance acknowledged that the war had a negative impact on the economy because the state imports weapons in foreign currency, which depletes free currencies, as well as the disruption of exports.
Also, the lack of reassurance and stability will not make foreign capital aspire to invest, in addition to the flight of local capital, and the economic situation has become more uncomfortable, but there will be no collapse of the economy. He considered that the end of the war must end with a comprehensive dialogue that does not exclude anyone, even the Islamists.
For his part, Finance Minister Jibril Ibrahim said that food is sufficiently available in the country; But there are difficulties in distribution.

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