
Delivering cash support to more than 9,000 families

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

The Director of the Savings and Social Development Bank, Al-Damazin Branch, Mohamed Douka Ahmed Ibrahim, confirmed that the bank has begun delivering cash social support to those eligible in the Blue Nile Region in its seven localities, in Al-Damazin, Al-Rosiris, Al-Karmuk, Qaysan, Al-Tadamon, Wad Al-Mahi, and Baw. Douka said that the number of beneficiaries of the program in the state is 9,180 families.
Douka said that the distribution of social support comes within the framework of the agreement concluded between the bank and the Social Security, Solidarity and Poverty Reduction Commission, stressing the bank’s role in fully committing to delivering to those entitled to it in accordance with banking controls and what is stipulated in the agreement concluded with the Social Security Commission. Pointing out that this program comes within the bank’s efforts to serve the community, contribute to stimulating productivity and transform families into productive families, especially rural women and small farmers, in order to reach sustainable development, within the bank’s policy of promoting social development. He stressed the bank’s readiness to transform beneficiaries of direct support into producers through financing, after qualifying and training them to select projects through social welfare departments.

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