
The rehabilitation the livestock sector exceeds 20 billion dollars

Sudan Events_Nahed Oshi

The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Animal Resources, Dr. Hassan Al-Toum said that the cost of reconstructing the sector exceeds 20 billion dollars, indicating the great impact that the sector had during the war that broke out on the fifteenth of April and nearly a year ago.
“We have lost the largest vaccine production laboratory in Africa, which is the Central Laboratory for Veterinary Vaccines, in addition to the poultry sector being completely out of the black due to the war in most of the production areas in the states of Khartoum and the Gezira, in addition to the departure of 50% of the veterinary quarries.” He said.
Despite the devastation that accompanied the livestock sector, the Undersecretary announced his approach the volume of exports during the war period was five million heads, revealing at the same time his ministry’s plans to find alternative slaughterhouses to avoid what happened in Khartoum, pointing to the opening of the Tala slaughterhouse in the Nile River State and the coastal slaughterhouse in the Red Sea, which is actively working alongside the Gedaref slaughterhouse, which is nearing completion. He revealed the understandings with the states of Gezira, White Nile, Sennar, and the Blue Nile region to establish slaughterhouses there, and then move to the western states of Kordofan and Darfur after security is established there.

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