
Jaafar Al-Mirghani in the River Nile State….. With the Army Until victory

Sudan Events – Report

The Vice President of the Unionist Party, Jaafar Al-Sadiq Al-Mirghani, arrived this week in the River Nile State as part of a visit aimed at confirming the support of the Sudanese army in its battle against the Rapid Support Militia (RSF). Extensive movements and meetings conducted by Jaafar al-Mirghani included the governor of the River Nile, the commander of the artillery force, and the commander of the 3rd Division in Shendi. In addition to addressing a massive public meeting of his party’s supporters in the city of Shendi, and addressing a Ramadan iftar in the city of Al-Damer.
All of these movements and meetings on the River Nile carried a specific message from Jaafar Al-Mirghani, stating that the original Unionist Party unequivocally supports the army in its war against the militia until it is eliminated.
Urgent Grassroots:
The original Democratic Unionist Party, led by Maulana Mohammad Osman Al-Mirghani, renewed the call to all political forces, specifically those that are still committed to “neutrality” in the ongoing war between the Sudanese army and the rebel militia, to recalibrate and review their national positions.
The party’s official spokesman, Omar Khalaf Allah, said that the movements taken by the party’s vice president, Jaafar Al-Sadiq Mohammad Osman Al-Mirghani, among the party’s masses, raise the sensitivity of many political forces and constitute a real concern for them, because they avoid the danger of elections.
He pointed out that the party is currently working on rearranging and organizing its masses and making them know all developments and its position on what is happening in the country now.
Khalaf Allah revealed that Jaafar Al-Sadiq Mohammad Osman Al-Mirghani’s visit to the River Nile State comes from several starting points, the most prominent of which is the party’s registration of a new national position to stand with the army in the battle of dignity, in addition to mobilizing and urging the party’s grassroots and organizations to support and back the army in its battle, after it became clear that Sudan is exposed to the largest and most dangerous conspiracy by several countries in the region and targeting its resources on and under the ground, which requires us in the Unionist Party at this stage to urge our masses to stand behind the army – as he put it.
He also explained that the visit also comes within the framework of building alliances with new political organizations, to strengthen the concept of national unity to address the fractures that occurred as a result of this war, pointing out that the war targets the citizen in his money, honor, and savings, in addition to that it attempts to change the natural demographics of of the Sudanese people. The violations that happened in the city of Wad Medani and some parts of the states of Sennar and Gedaref are the best evidence and witness that the war is proceeding within the same context – according to his statement.
Sudan is a red line:
Jaafar Al-Mirghani began his visit by meeting with the Governor of the River Nile, Mohammad Abdul-Majed Abu Qarun.
Al-Mirghani said during the meeting that Sudan is a red line.
He added to the army: “We came to tell you what you think. We are in the Unionist Party and the people are with you.”
He continued, saying that Sudan is a red line and we will not give up a single inch of the country’s soil, announcing that all party institutions are directed to support the armed forces.
He explained that his visit to the River Nile was to communicate with the state government and to check on the progress of matters in light of the security conditions that he described as “difficult” that the country is going through.
In renewal of our pledge that we are with you, heart and body, in the battle of dignity.

National positions:
On the other hand, Jaafar Al-Mirghani, during his Ramadan Iftar address in Al-Dammar, renewed his support for the Sudanese Armed Forces in their war against the rebellion.
He said that the original Democratic Unionist Party, led by Maulana Mohammad Osman Al-Mirghani, stands with the army in all lofty positions for the security and stability of Sudan.
He added that the position of the party leader is not new to him, noting that he has many national positions.
He stressed the preservation of the unity of Sudan, by standing with the army, as it is the protector of the country, considering that standing with the army is a legitimate duty, and the Unionist Party will not lag behind in it, and he continued: “It will provide it with all the strength it can.”
We are not afraid of war:
In the same direction, Jaafar called on his party’s supporters to support the army as it is the country’s safety valve and the guardian of its national unity.
Al-Mirghani stressed during his address to a public meeting at Shendi Stadium in the River Nile State, on Wednesday night, that their current position requires sacrifices and they are not afraid to confront it. He said, “We are the descendants of Hussein, and the sons of Karbala, we love peace and do not fear war.”
He stressed the necessity of resisting exclusion, and not allowing bilateral agreements to be concluded, and not responding to foreign interventions and solutions imposed from abroad, as they are destructive.
Jaafar reiterated their rejection of building a parallel army, and believed that the solution path begins and ends with the armed forces’ victory over the rebellion.
He said that we do not see any disgrace or shame in the 1950 state, but rather it is a state of generosity and we will not allow it to be destroyed.
Jaafar stressed the necessity of arranging the national alignments according to the initiative of Mawlana Mohammad Osman Al-Mirghani, by meeting with all the politicians who were satisfied with the consensus and those who rejected it.
He called for accountability for those who committed violence since the 1990s, through the crime of dispersing the sit-in at the General Command, until the militia leader, Hemedti, rebelled against the state. He called for redressing the harm of citizens and compensating them for the heavy losses they suffered as a result of the rebellion.

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