
Heads of National Umma in the states: The party leadership’s support for the militia is Shameful

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

(13) of the heads of the National Umma Party in the states accused the party’s leadership of supporting the Rapid Support RSF Militia, and described it as a shameful position that bears no resemblance to the party, its history and its origins, and the homeland is the source of destruction.
It said, “These leaders appeared to us from an early stage that they are moving on a path that contradicts all of the party’s legacies and its complete bias towards the homeland and the citizen.” This is done by dragging the party to shamelessness and then allying it with Taqadum.”
The party leaders in the states afirmed in a statement that since the beginning of the war, the party’s leadership has packed its bags outside the borders of the country, leaving the party and its masses without any organizational arrangements to manage the crisis, and even completely lost contact with the party’s institutions in the states until the date of this statement, despite the daily tragedies faced by the various states as a result of the conditions of war and displacement. .
The statement indicated that the party’s leadership continued to issue decisions and statements from outside the borders and practiced deception and misleading by claiming neutrality and institutional and organizational commitment.
Rather, the leadership was persistent in hijacking and hacking the party’s decisions, which made the party lose its popular and popular dimension.
He stressed that all the steps, actions, positions and alliances taken by the party leadership since April 15, 2023 do not represent us and we are not concerned with any of them.
The statement affirmed their full support for the decisions taken by the Presidency and the Coordination Council during their recent meetings in Cairo this March, and we even demand the party’s urgent exit from progress.
The statement continued, “We are continuing to go beyond the current party leadership, which has bypassed us since the beginning of the war, by working with our masses and bases until further notice.”

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