
Gezira State will be Triumphant, God willing*

By: Khaled Al Baloula

The state of Gezira is the core of Sudan. People came to it from everywhere. It sheltered, nurtured, and included all the tribes from a long time ago and rejected all types of fanaticism and tribalism. It was embodied in Al-Abadi’s words:
*Being Jaali, Dongolawi, Shaeygi What is the benefit of that?
Other than the reasons for the disagreement that made my brother hostile to me
Let our situation known by far and near person
It is enough that the Nile is our father, and Sudanese is our nationality
This has been the Gezira since ancient times, living safe and reassured, cloaked in the guise of social peace. It remained like this until these bastards came to it sided by the deteriorating, the flailing, the vulgar, the bad-mannered, the savage, and the violent.
*What is happening on Gezira contradicts the most basic values of chivalry, manhood, and humanity, let alone the controls called for by our true religion. Rapid Support Forces (RSF) is carrying out its violations on Gezira and threatening to burn the agricultural crop in some areas if the farmers do not pay sums exceeding a billion.
Testimonies from a number of reporters and eyewitnesses confirm that the RSF is carrying out serious violations against citizens in the villages of Al-Halaween villages; hlawin, Ib Sir Al-Takala, Manaqaza, villages in the south of Gezira, villages not far from the state capital, Medani, from which thousands of citizens were displaced to the nearby states of Sennar, Al-Qadarif, and other safe areas controlled by the army.
*The rebel RSF did not take into account the most basic human rights in their war against the defenseless people of Gezira. They killed, lynched, raped and plundered. They did not take into account Sudanese and humanitarian values and customs, let alone their consideration of Islamic values in this war. The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, advised the soldiers’ commanders to be pious and watch God Almighty to lead them to adhere to the morals of war, including that he commands them to avoid killing infants; (“And do not kill a newborn”, narrated by Muslim). It also came in his advice: (And do not drown palm trees, nor burn them, nor destroy an animal, nor a tree that produces fruit, nor demolish a tree).
*What is happening on Gezira is a violation of everything that the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, recommended, and people’s suffering increases day after day. If citizens try to defend their honor, property, and homes, and confront the systematic looting of the RSF, a larger force comes and fires randomly, as happened in most of the villages of Gezira state, especially the villages of Al-Halaween and the south of Gezira.
Citizens in Gezira State are living in a tragic security and economic situation, as prices have risen dramatically, with a can of gasoline costing 100,000 pounds, equivalent to 80 dollars, after gas stations were closed following the RSF’s control of the state. The prices of consumer goods such as meat have doubled from 6,000 to 12,000 Sudanese pounds currently. The RSF have imposed royalties on goods brought by merchants by boat at a rate of ten thousand pounds for each boat used as a means of transporting passengers or goods.
The RSF, which violate the sanctities of the Gezira State and make its people taste the bitterness of humiliation and oppression, will drink from the same cup, and God Almighty will not support the oppressor because he has forbidden injustice to himself and made it forbidden among the people: –
O beasts of the black forest,
We are no longer in your bad mood cover the fact.
Between your fangs are the remains of the victims
There are traces of redness on your cheeks
Everyone on this earth sees it
An eye view, after tearing the curtain
Rejoice in illusion, get lost in arrogance
Float in the air, dive in the seas
You will receive a reward from God
Soon, he will throw you into the fire of destruction
Rejoice, O forest of darkness, with fear
And a setback in calamities and brokenness
The power of the oppressor is a path to tragedies
It ends in humiliation and disgrace
Injustice is the path to death, no matter what
The oppressor achieved the illusion of victory

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