
SAF is fighting the largest Ground Battle in Gezira

Events – Follow-ups

Armed forces SAF Battalions operations began on Thursday to liberate Gezira State in five axes.
SAF was able to liberate Umm Al-Qura locality, east of Gezira State.
SAF Commander, Lt.Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, gave orders to the forces to begin the operation to liberate Gezira .
This operation is considered one of the largest ground operations witnessed in the war that has been ongoing since April 15, if military operations are active in all axes within the plan to eliminate the Rapid SupportRSF Militia with the participation of aircraft, marches, and tanks.
In the areas to which the armed forces SAF advanced, they were able to destroy a number of combat vehicles and carry out special operations.
Informed sources estimated the force currently charged with liberating Gezira at about 40,000 fighters.

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