
South Sudan and UAE Exchange Roles to Preserve Interests

Sudan Events – Agencies

The secret agreements between the government of the South Sudan and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) before the war, which was led by Counselor Tut Qalwak, one of its clauses was: ensuring the continued flow of crude oil from the south through Sudan without causing any damage to the conveyor line to ensure the stability of the SPLM government in power and the absence of economic problems that would lead to the regime collapses there. This is what happened throughout the last period of the war.
As the army advanced on the ground and regained control of vital installations, the Sudanese government sent a letter dated March 16 through the Sudanese Oil Minister notifying the SPLM government that the export of southern oil had become non-existent.
The Sudanese message says that a “crystallization” in the conveyor line caused a restriction in flows on February 10, and after that was removed. A major rupture occurred at another point, making the flow of oil difficult. It will be impossible, under the current security conditions in Sudan, to repair the faults and continue exporting south Sudan’s oil.
In addition, on Monday, March 18, an extraordinary meeting was held by President Salva Kiir, which included a (limited) number of ministers and security officials, in addition to the South Sudanese businessman (Benjamin Paul Mill). The topic of “what the situation would become” was discussed if the export of oil through Sudan stopped, and the meeting concluded:
First: (classifying) the measures taken by the Sudanese government as an initial hostile step within the framework of the war against the government of the People’s Movement in Juba.
Second: It is expected that the matter will develop by Sudan into military hostility in various ways later, such as reciprocity, due to the war in Sudan.
This (classification) of the Sudanese decision may come from the government of the South, after (its involvement was proven) and its participation in collusion with countries in the region to facilitate the arming of the RSF and its support in its war to occupy Sudan, as the condemnation of the government of the South came during the report of United Nations experts issued on January 24, 2024, to which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the South responded on January 29, 2024, evading its content.
Therefore, on Tuesday, March 26, Juba rushed to send Salva Kiir’s business and investment manager, businessman Benjamin Paul Mill, who (calls himself on his official page the Special Presidential Envoy for Special Projects for South Sudan). Juba sent it to the UAE carrying a (letter) to Mohammed Bin Zayed containing (literally), a summary of the minutes of the meeting (Monday, March 18) in Juba, in which the People’s Movement searched for a (lifeline) from economic collapse and then the fall of the regime due to the cessation of oil exports. (So) will the new face (Benjamin Paul Mill) succeed in the mission of saving the SPLM regime from falling?
On his personal page on Facebook, on March 27, while he was in Abu Dhabi and after his meeting with Anwar Gargash, Benjamin Paul Mill wrote: “Yesterday, I met with Dr. Anwar Gargash, the diplomatic advisor to the President of the United Arab Emirates, to strengthen deeper relations between our two nations and explore ways to enhance cooperation and growth. Also, I delivered a message from His Excellency President Salva Kiir Mayardit to His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan. We envision a future of strengthened relations for the benefit of our two peoples). The envoy did not mention anything useful about the content of the message other than the comment above!
In complete contrast, the official Emirates News Agency on its page on March 27, which dealt with the meeting between Anwar Gargash, the diplomatic advisor to Mohammed Bin Zayed, and the envoy of the President of South Sudan, Benjamin Paul Mill, said that this comes within the framework of strengthening the relationship between the two countries (Emirates / S Sudan)?
But she described the meeting as being for the purpose of mediation and making efforts to stop the conflict in Sudan between the army and the RSF… like that?! This is something that the south Sudanese envoy did not officially announce, and he wrote a different and brief statement on his page describing the objectives of the visit.
Between the two contradictory statements: What is the content of the message?! Which was carried by the South Sudanese presidential envoy to the UAE? Which came immediately after Khartoum notified Juba regarding the cessation of oil exports? Is there a need for that at this time? Where there are no diplomatic relations or declared or clear and active economic interests between (Juba and Abu Dhabi)??!!
In fact, the content of the letter to Bin Zayed (according to my source) is (a complaint and a plea), and it is a summary of what was discussed in the presidential meeting (above), which Kiir held in a hurry on March 18 regarding Sudan’s letter concerning the cessation of the export of oil that is provided to the government of South Sudan on a monthly basis between 80 and 100 million dollars, and what was discussed in the Juba meeting, according to our sources, concluded with:
First: The RSF has violated the agreement concluded with the government of the South regarding (non-aggression against the oil areas) if things do not go as planned with the RSF seizing power in Sudan.
Second: The government of South Sudan’s need for Emirati financial support now, in order to maintain (the system of government) that takes care of the interests of the Emirates in the south, demonstrated in (the continuation of the supply line for the RSF, which have become almost imprisoned in Sudan).
hird: Requesting the UAE to speak to the leaders of the RSF to stop the ongoing (and potential) attacks in oil areas (such as the Al-Jaili refinery), protect the operating companies, and work to repair and maintain the oil facilities that were damaged due to the actions of the RSF in order to ensure the return of oil exports.
Fourth: The government of South Sudan requested the UAE’s intervention in finding various ways to support and ensure filling the financial gap expected from the cessation of oil imports due to the cessation of exports through Sudan in the coming stage.
With the impossibility of the Sudanese side meeting in any step that unites it with RSF now to implement any agreement under any mediation, after the failure of previous initiatives in Jeddah and elsewhere, and then the Sudanese army’s control of the land, the cessation of pumping southern oil becomes certain, regardless of the reasons and mediations.
(So): Will the government of South Sudan obtain its demands from the rulers of the UAE during its next crisis?? Who is Benjamin Paul Mill, the envoy of the President of Al Zayed government..??
)Benjamin Paul Mill) is President Salva Kiir Mayardit’s (most secret) missions man and the manager of his various illegal activities. Benjamin represents the southern version of the South Sudanese (Director of the Offices of the President of the Republic) in all its details. He is the most important person to President Salva Kiir and he is mentioned in the international report as a “facilitator” because of his activity in transporting oil for RSF through South Sudan, through a company owned by President Salva Kiir and registered in the Republic of Kenya under the name (Paul Mill).
Other than that, he is a personal friend of the two Kenyan presidents (Uhuru Jimmo Kenyatta and the current president, William Ruto), as well as the Ugandan president (Yori Museveni). Benjamin works in the field of infrastructure in the south (as a cover for his activity), investing in (the money of the people of South Sudan looted by President Salva Kiir), where he wins most of the important bids (as the president’s man).
He is the executor or (facilitator) of the (Emirati) contract deal with the 48 retired Ugandan military mechanical engineers and technicians who were brought earlier last December from Kampala via Juba to work for RSFin Sudan.
With this colorful biography of (Benjamin Paul Mill), the importance of the message to Bin Zayed becomes clear, and that the situation in Juba has become more fluid and dangerous for the regime (if oil exports stop), which means that the matter cannot tolerate (broken Arabic), either pure Arabic or pure English, These are features that are not available in (Mountain of Foolishness).
The move of the Government of South Sudan and its direct contact due to the speech of the Sudanese Ministry of Oil with the leaders of the UAE in this regard and at this time provides sufficient answers to a number of questions about the RSF and its leader (Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo) and the UAE, which are:
Hemedti is unavailable and cannot be contacted.
The management of the military activity of RSF in the field (now) is carried out under direct orders from Abu Dhabi. Thus, it can issue exceptional orders to RSF commanders.
The move confirms that Anwar Gargash is (Hemedti’s replacement) who practically manages RSF now.
With this step, the government of the South Sudan holds the UAE responsible for the RSF violations in oil export production areas in Sudan and is seeking compensation for its loss of oil revenue money estimated at ($80 to $100 million) per month due to the UAE’s participation in the plot to invade Sudan.
And since the approach to Bin Zayed was Anwar Gargash, then who is (Anwar Gargash)??.. And here, for the benefit of it, I will mention only the scenes that are close to the memory of the observers:
In 2019, after the fall of Al-Bashir, on August 16, 2019, Anwar Gargash, Minister of State at the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs, came to Sudan, accompanied by Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Ali Al-Jubeir and Kuwaiti Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Sabah Khaled, to negotiate the aid announced to be provided to Sudan by these countries:
Anwar Gargash and Ali Al-Jubeir were insisting in their discussions with Freedom and Change (FFC) on Taha Osman Al-Hussein assuming the prime ministership of Sudan as a competitor to Abdullah Hamdouk, but they failed in their efforts.
Gargash took over the UAE negotiation dosseir regarding (the UAE’s monopoly) and its operation of Sudanese ports since the Bashir era.
Gargash is the Emirati official coordinating with Taha Osman Al Hussein in the dosseir of the Sudanese forces participating in Decisive Storm.
He worked with Khaled Jawish to fuel the conflict in eastern Sudan.
Gargash led the FFC delegation to Addis Ababa to participate in the IGAD meetings in the last session?!!?
Founder and owner of the Anwar Gargash Academy in Abu Dhabi, where FFC cadres are trained and their conferences are held.
This step from Sudan is a message that says that if the Al-Jaili refinery, which is currently besieged by the Sudanese army, is not spared from harm, then Juba will not be spared from harm either. However, this confirmed the reality of the strong suspicious relationship between the UAE and the government of South Sudan by sending the suffering letter from the capital of South Sudan so quickly.

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