
Ghandour: No solution other than a “Sudanese-Sudanese” Dialogue

Events – Follow-ups

Leader of the National Congress Party NCP Ibrahim Ghandour, said that there is no alternative to everything that is happening and no solution other than a “Sudanese, Sudanese” dialogue that draws inspiration from past experiences, looks at the present with everything that is happening in it, and looks at the bleak future that awaits the people of Sudan if it is not remedied.
He added in a post on Facebook: “I was advising the political brothers on the other side: If the political forces do not agree, the military will not leave power.”
He continued, “They did not listen to the advice and allied with the military, and after they were able to rule, they wanted to throw away the ladder by which they had reached power. Then they began to use the international community, but the idea did not succeed, so they chose to ally with the Rapid Support RSF and the result was what is happening now.”
Ghandour said, “Therefore, I say that the agreement of the political powers on principles that the people accept and support is the only way to preserve what is left of Sudan. It is also the only way to stop the war because (the war is in Umbadah, not in Jeddah).”

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