
Excellency President …. This is What is Required

By: Adil El Baz

As I see
Yesterday, Mr. Mohammed Mohammed Khair published the details of his meeting with H.E President Al-Burhan, who presented in his testimony a comprehensive and clear vision of the road map that the country will follow after the liberation of Gezira, which the military circles expect will not exceed the first week after Eid. What pleased me about this vision is that everyone in the leadership cabin agreed. It is through the statements of Lieutenant General Ibrahim Jaber and Lieutenant General Yasser Al-Atta, who stressed the formation of a government of independent competencies and that they will hand over the country to an elected government. President Al-Burhan confirmed this trend in his meeting with Mohammed Khair, but made additions that would paint the picture of the near future.
The President’s first statement was: “The army, the armed movements, the mobilized, the youth, and all the national forces are fighting this battle with the aim of completely eradicating the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militia, driven by a strong determination.” This meaning was frequently repeated in all the communications witnessed in the military areas, and here two observations can be recorded. The first is that this situation (eradication) is not related to the ebb and flow of operations. Rather, the decision is strategic to eradicate the militia completely… by complete defeat or surrender. There is nothing wrong with the surrender being at a negotiating table furnished only to accept the position of the Sudanese army and people, and not in any way to restore the militia as a player on the political and military field.
The second observation is that the statement is a loyalty to the armed movements, the Mobilized, and all the national forces that stand by the army as a reassurance to them that they cannot be sold or the country be handed over due to external pressures to any party except an elected party. This contains an important message and a commitment to the comrades in arms who are now fighting side by side with the Armed Forces.
The president’s second statement relates to the formation of the transitional government, and its most prominent features are that it is (a government of Sudanese professional expertise, known for cleanliness and high professionalism, fenced by a legal framework aimed at establishing complete justice under a state of law).
So, it is a government of professional competencies whose goal is reconstruction and moving the country to another stage in which the people choose who will represent them. Its most important feature also is that it will not include any party.
The army will return to its barracks after the elections, and its mission will be to protect the constitution.
Why is this statement important…? Because it remained the first demand stipulated in the Constitutional Document itself before it was forged, in addition to the fact that it was the first demand of the forces that were excluded and marginalized by the revolution after a group of Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC) sluggish hijacked the political decision in the entire country, considering that they alone were the representatives of the revolution.!!
It is an important statement because it is the only way to put an end to the broad claims of representing the people. Everyone claims that he represents the people, and there is no way to know the sincerity of those claims except through free and fair elections by an independent government that is not aligned with any of the conflicting parties in the political arena to determine who has the legitimacy that comes through people’s mandate..
It is also important because it blocks external pressures seeking to push agents to power without any legitimacy, with complete disregard for all political components, as if this emerging group possesses a divine right to rule the country only because the West is satisfied with it, and this satisfaction is what gives it legitimacy to rule the country without authorization and for an indefinite period. .
Now the whole world will be faced by a unified position from the army, the people and its political forces that the only determinant of the control of the country is the election ballots and not the ammunition boxes or the FFC claims of representing the masses. The West will not be able to impose whoever it is satisfied with on the Sudanese, as the only way open to it to go to support its loved ones is to influence Elections: If it can convince the people by any means to return them to power through the election ballots in an honest manner, then goodness and blessings to them, congratulations to the Janjaweed government, but if they fail, they must be patient for dozens of years. Perhaps God will honor its loved ones with another revolution after another thirty years.!!
The third important benefit was stated by President Al-Burhan when he said (that the transitional period will be a period of establishment during which reconstruction will take place alongside a national assembly that will hold the government accountable and work on to hold a constitutional conference, stressing that these are constants and he will not respond to any pressure, no matter how great it is.). The transitional period is constitutive, headed by a National Assembly. Its tasks are: 1/ Reconstructing what was destroyed by the war. 2/ Monitoring and holding the government accountable/ Holding the Constitutional Conference.
The questions that arise immediately after presenting this important vision are: How do we establish a national association and by whom? How will what was destroyed by the war be reconstructed? …The question of resources and ideas about reconstruction priorities and who is doing the job in all the sectors that are completely destroyed now.
How will the government be monitored and held accountable? What are the mechanisms and extent of the powers that this Assembly has? Can it relieve the government, for example? What is the role of the army in this stage…the stage after the establishment of the government.?
Another question related to the Constitutional Conference: Who is it composed of and who does what? Our professor Al-Watheq Kamir has advanced ideas in this area that we can benefit from.
The evidence is that we need to answer the above questions, in addition to other questions related to the various commissions, the most important of which is the Election Commission and others.
This newspaper will begin a broad campaign to survey the opinion of the public and experts in all fields to obtain answers that will help the decision maker consider the different opinions and alternatives that will lay the foundations for a stable transitional period (Sudan Events) based on knowledge and experience and on justice and freedom, which were unfortunately ravaged by the FFCC just, unfortunately, as they afflicted the revolution itself.

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