
Drones target military headquarters in Gedaref.. The governor: “Their efforts failed.”

After the Drones Attack Governor of Gedaref: “Their efforts failed.”

Drones target military headquarters in Gedaref.. The governor: “Their efforts failed.”

Events – Follow-ups

Drones targeted headquarters of the General Intelligence Service in Gedaref and the headquarters of the Second Division in Al-Faw, while others targeted the area between the headquarters of the Intelligence Service and the Judiciary.
A person who was present in the mosque belonging to the intelligence service headquarters when the march attack occurred was injured.
For his part, the acting governor of Gedaref, Mohamed Abdel-Rahman Mahjoub, affirmed that the Drones targeted many sites in Gedaref State were intended to undermine the stability and peaceful coexistence experienced by Gedaref State. He said, “Their expectations and efforts in that regard were disappointed.”
The governor indicated, according to (Sudan News Agency), on Tuesday, the stability of the security situation at the level of the city of Gedaref and Al-Faw locality, referring to the major security plan drawn up to secure the state by deploying bases and joint forces and conducting careful inspections of the entrances and exits of the state and markets.
The governor, head of the state security committee, directed the popular resistance to the necessity of forming security cells at the level of the various neighborhoods and localities and raising the sense of security of citizens by reporting all negative and lawless phenomena.
The governor assured the people of Gedaref of a safe and stable future after the great arrangements made by the state security committee. He said that the state security committee is at the heart of one man to achieve security and stability, stressing the calm security situation at the state level.
Immediately after the incident occurred, the authorities intensified their security deployment in Gedaref, and began searching for the party involved in the incident.
The public market in Gedaref was closed without being evacuated, while the state security committee participated in a meeting that is expected to come out with decisions that strengthen the security situation in the state.

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