
Al-Burhan’s Speech on the Occasion of Eid…Announcing a New Phase

Report – Aya Ibrahim

The President of the Transitional Sovereign Council, the Army Commander, Lieutenant General Abdul Fattah Al-Burhan, block the way against any talk about any return to what was before April 15, referring to the date of the outbreak of war between the Army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) Militia, stressing his intention to cleanse every spot that the rebellion had desecrated on the country’s lands and expel those described as them. “Traitors and conspirators.”
Three “No”s
Al-Burhan did not only block the way for the rebel militia to return to the situation it was in before its rebellion, but it included his refusal to return to before October 25, 2021, the date on which he overthrew the transitional government headed by former Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdouk, in addition to refusing to return to before April 2019, which witnessed the overthrow with former President Omer Al-Bashir after a popular revolution, Al-Burhan said, “Now is the battle of dignity, the battle of the homeland, full stop.. A new line.”
Need for consensus
The leader of the Popular Congress, Kamal Omer, called on the President of the Sovereign Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Abdul Fattah Al-Burhan to review his recent speech, and pointed out that Sudan’s issues cannot be resolved with Nos, but rather with yeses to democracy, freedoms and human rights, to stop the war and accept the other.
Omer stressed to (Sudan Events) the need for political consensus and a government of civil competencies that builds, reconstructs, and compensates those who lost their money, not slogans that prolong the conflict.
Closing a door
Observers believe that the most prominent content of Al-Burhan’s speech is
He concluded by saying (now only the battle of dignity, the battle of the homeland, full stop….. a new line), which means closing the door against any talk about negotiating with the rebel militia and returning to the Jeddah Platform and focusing only on the battle of dignity until reaching the defeat of the last rebel and the restoration of the homeland, especially since there is talk from time to time about resuming the Jeddah negotiations.
New construction
In turn, political analyst Dr. Rashid Al-Tijani says that Al-Burhan directed his speech inward in order to build again according to general trends.
Al-Tijani pointed out to (Sudan Events ) that Al-Burhan’s speech, in addition to the messages it included to the National Congress and the Forces of Freedom and Change (the Central Council), is directed to all politicians in light of the Sudanese people’s lack of acceptance of political elites. He said the evidence is that Al-Burhan feels the general trends and whenever he takes a position, he considers the reaction around it and based on and can change it.

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