
Movements Joint Force decides to fight the militia and move to open paths and crossings

Events – Follow-ups

The Joint Force of Darfur Movements announced its departure from neutrality and its regularity in fighting with its allies, nationalists and the armed forces against the Rapid Support militias and their hired helpers.
It affirmed in a statement that would not wait to be on the defense, but rather the best way to defend was to attack.
It announced her move to open path and crossings to ensure the arrival of humanitarian aid, and added, “Whoever wants otherwise, the battlefield and the fighting have the highest say.”
The commander of the Minawi Command Liberation Movement forces, Lt.Gen. Juma Mohamed Haqqar, said that the force is preparing for the operation to break the siege of El Fasher.
During the greeting visits, the leaders of the Joint Force expressed their regret over the long silence regarding the provocations and violations of the Rapid Support RSF Militia, particularly their silence over the verbal attacks of their leaders and aides on attempts and statements in which they declared a threat to the armed movements, preventing them from moving, and blocking the way for humanitarian aid to arrive, as well as targeting some of the force’s insurance stations.
The joint force and their burning of the slogans of the joint force and other list of violations and sinful practices that the Rapid Support RSF Militia continued to plot and pursue against the homeland and citizens, taking advantage of the joint force’s neutrality and defense.

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