
Revealing the identity of the “drones” that targeted Gedaref

Sudan Events – Agencies

Information revealed the identity of the drones that targeted sites in Gedaref last Tuesday.
A security source confirmed, according to Sudan Tribune, that the planes were Chinese-made and were an imitation of the Iranian Shahed 136 plane.
These suicide planes operate with a passive control system, meaning they are pre-programmed with the target coordinates without cameras on them.
Information indicates that the flight range of these aircraft is approximately 1,500 kilometers, and they can fly for more than 6 hours at speeds of up to 180 kilometers per hour, which makes it possible to launch them from long distances.
These drones fly at a relatively low altitude, which may reach a maximum of 1,500 metres, and attack their targets from a height ranging between 100 and 700 metres.
Airplanes contain communications devices, but they are not necessary for their operation, which reduces the effectiveness of jamming devices against them.
However, they can be brought down by GPS jamming, according to a security source.

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