
Who is the Fraudster Kamal Ben Ali who Appeared at Paris conference?

Sudan Events: Agencies

The appearance of Kamal Ben Ali, a fraudster in Africa, at the Sudanese conference in Paris the day before yesterday raised the astonishment and questions of many observers.. What is his connection to the conference?  and who is he ?  Why was he keen to photograph with Macron?

He is the Moroccan Kamal Ben Ali, who was classified by Africa Intelligence magazine among the ten most important fraudsters in the series (Africa’s Shops from Browsing to Money Laundering). It said that these are the ones who sell illusions to young people in Africa and work as marketers for rising politicians who are destined for dreams of wealth and power and who are thirsty for blood. According to the chain of fraudsters Ben Ali is increasingly present on the continent, the Moroccan combines diplomatic and business ambitions.

The series revealed that this fraudster claims to be the vice chairman of the Crans Forum, and there is no position with the name in the forum, which was created by the Swiss Jean-Pascal Delamouraz and Jean-Paul Carteron, and has been in existence for 35 years, “with the aim of building a better world.” She said that there is no position in the first place with the name in the forum.!!

What brought the fraudulent Ben Ali to the Sudanese Conference?

Journalist Omar Lucian Kofi says: “Kamal Ben Ali traveled through dictatorial regimes in an attempt to sell his communication or strategic services. An example of this is when he approached Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, the Sudanese Vice President, when he handed his younger brother the badge of “Leader Yug” (it is a kind of “paper”) with which he deceived the leaders, the young and future hopefuls. In this way, a bloodthirsty Sudanese soldier (Hemedti) was forced to manage his international pressure with the promise of making him meet the head of his network. After that meeting, Ben Ali became an advisor to Hemedti working within the public relations network that he established in Europe and America, and now he was invited to the conference in that capacity under the guise of  an observer, and in reality he is a representative of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF)(Janjaweed)) and has close ties with the leaders. His insistence on photographing with the French President is more than a place to show influence, and this is the way in which the scammers of Africa work to make their victims believe that they have broad influence and connections to the presidents. We will follow the stories of the scammers.

Increasingly present on the continent, Moroccan Kamal Ben Ali combines diplomatic and business ambitions.  His goals?  African dictatorships.  But what is his real role in the Crans Montana forum where he claims to be vice president?

The Crans Montana Forum (CMF), created by the Swiss Jean-Pascal Delamouraz and Jean-Paul Carteron, has been in existence for 35 years, “with the aim of building a better world.”  For several years, in addition to Jean-Paul Carteron, the current president of the forum, a Moroccan has been navigating the diplomatic spheres.  Kamal Ben Ali introduces himself as “Vice President of the Crans Montana Forum and Ambassador of the Global Diplomatic Academy,” a chapter of the CMF.  But soon joined by the Journal de l’Afrique, the president of the event, Jean-Paul Carteron, specifies that, contrary to what Kamal Ben Ali – or Kamel Ben Ali depending on the platforms – indicates – “there is no vice-president of the Crans Montana Forum. I am solely responsible for the activities, choices and strategies that  are implemented.”

However, Kamal Ben Ali wears a CMF “pin” on his jacket, which he wears proudly like the Legion of Honour.  Jean-Paul Carteron quickly became friends with the Moroccan forties known for their kindness.  “During the two forums in which he participated, he surprised everyone, with great sympathy, with his relational activity and the way friendly and interactive groups were spontaneously formed among the participants,” he explains.  Ben Ali gradually took over the central military force, until he appeared in most of the photos and videos of the event.  “I could see how fond Mr. Ben Ali was of these memories, which seemed nice to me,” says Jean-Paul Carteron.  In French political circles, several sources confirm that “Kamal Ben Ali knows how to be ‘in the picture’, always present in the right place and at the right time.”


Crans Montana Forum, Trojan Horse Kamal Ben Ali

In addition to the branches of the CMF, such as the IUHEI Crans Montana Institute, which is a “meeting center”, and the World Diplomatic Academy, which grants dignitary privileges, or the Cercle des Ambassadeurs, Kamal Ben Ali promotes an effective network.  “It is, as far as I know, Mr. Ben Ali’s company, as most of the businessmen who participate in our activities have one,” sweeps Jean-Paul Carteron.  But, explains one of the businessman’s former service providers, “Kamal Ben Ali integrates CMF tickets into his consulting activities, which he monetizes which only half-surprises the forum president: “Any professional proposals that Mr. Ben Ali may make to anyone are for himself and his company alone. I was not shocked, given his enthusiasm, that he was able to consider offering entry to the forum to some of his potential clients. But it is still necessary to invite the people involved to do this.”

From “browsing ” to money laundering

For several years, Kamal Ben Ali traveled through dictatorial regimes trying to sell his communications or strategy services. To do this, he relies on the Carteron Network, which he is now trying to put aside after several years of cooperation.  An example of an attempt to get closer to Mohamed Hamdan Dogolo, the Sudanese Vice President, Ben Ali presented his younger brother with the badge of “Commander of Yug” – “It is a kind of ‘paper’ that he easily hands over to young and future ‘hopeful leaders’,” sums up Jean-Paul Carteron – and forced a bloodthirsty Sudanese soldier to manage his international pressure with the promise of making him meet at the top of his network basket, the Prime Minister… of Estonia, Kaja Kallas.  For his part, the president of the Crans Montana Forum distances himself from Kamal Ben Ali: “For 37 years, the Crans Montana Forum has devoted its activity strictly and without a single exception to the sole and exclusive organization of the Forum.  Jean-Paul Carteron emphasizes that CMF does not carry out business, does not provide services, and has never accepted, for example, contact authorizations for anyone.”

From “Kamal Carpets” to Kamal Ben Ali


If he willingly plays on this ambiguity to get closer to heads of state, Kamal Ben Ali knows where he is headed to stand on shoulders with the greats of this world, Kamal Ben Ali relied on many men well integrated in African fields, from one of the symbols of “Françafrique”, Vincent Miquelet, to Jerome Cahuzac, the former French Minister of the Budget, who was convicted on charges of possessing undeclared funds in an account in Switzerland and Singapore, through Robert Burge, convicted of illegal financing of a political party, or Bernard Kouchner, accused of a conflict of interest between his public and private activities in Africa.  With a leitmotif: the more heads of state are isolated from the international community, even in rare cases, the more easy prey they become.  This is how the Moroccan headed to take over the position of President of Guinea, Alpha Condé, in December 2020, hoping to wrest a contract from him without result.

It does not matter to the client as long as the contract is signed.  Ben Ali wants revenge after working under Jean-Paul Carteron.  “He is vindictive and we cannot take one thing from him: he is ready to do anything to succeed,” sums up a close friend from the Efficient Network.  For Moroccans, it all started in the Paris region.  His father runs a furniture and carpet store, with very Moroccan touches, Carrefour de l’Orient.  What is worth it, in his youth, Kamal Ben Ali was nicknamed “Kamal of Carpets”, in reference to his admiration for businessman Bernard Tapie.  Several companies will also be staying at Carrefour de l’Orient because “if Ben Ali presents himself as a ‘serial entrepreneur,’ he is famous for making empty shells, without offices or employees,” explains one former collaborator.

His appointment of Kamal Ben Ali is also located in offices rented by the hour, “in the eighth arrondissement of Paris.”  He meets the intermediary Hassan Al-Mubaraki, who introduces himself as a “cinema producer”, “Elitavia director” and “Gerard Depardieu’s best friend”, or even Arnaud Sanchez, accused of fraud by “coaching” “Center of elected officials.” Indeed, moreover, if he spends most of his time in Paris – he has a French residence permit – then Ben Ali is actually located in a tax haven. “It’s all just wind, continues a former close friend of Morocco.  Even his past is just storytelling.


To read Ben Ali biography, in 2013 and 2014, the Effective Network worked with the Iraqi National Business Council (INBC) and with the National Investment Authority of Iraq.  However, according to Cypriot legal records, Efficient Network is a company created in Nicosia… in 2021, along with African presidents, Ben Ali has never hesitated to show his photos alongside the President of Guinea-Bissau, Oumarou Sissoko Embalo and he confirms, to anyone  He will hear, he is financing some of the trips of the ECOWAS President.  Sources close to Bissau denied this.  Others also claim that Embalo has distanced himself from the businessman, considering him not very serious.


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