Minawi: The Militia is Planning to Establish a State in Western Sudan

Sudan Events – Follow-ups
he governor of the Darfur region and head of the Sudan Liberation Army Movement, Minni Arko Minawi, has said that the persistence of the Rapid Support militia (RSF) and its exploitation of the tolerance of the joint forces is aimed at expanding its circle of control with the aim of imposing the demarcation of a new state in western Sudan that will receive silent recognition as planned.
Minawi added: “Whenever the joint force of the movements that signed the Juba Peace Agreement tolerated, out of a desire to leave the doors of dialogue for the sake of peaceful coexistence in Sudan in general and in Darfur in particular, at least after the end of the current situation, the RSF persist.”
In his post on X platform, he said that aggression against Mileet means surrounding Al-Fasher City from all directions for the purpose of making go hungry and prevent the flow of humanitarian aid and the life needs.