
Member of Communist Party Central Committee, Kamal Karar to (Sudan Events)

Interviewed by: Abdul Basset Idriss

* (Taqaddum) lost the trust of the Sudanese people
* This is our opinion regarding stopping the war and calling on Ghandour for dialogue
He is known for being prominent politician and member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Kamal Karar, who presented his party’s position clearly and directly. He is one of the politicians who does not practice evading hot questions. In this interview with (Sudan Events), Karar answers their position on (Taqaddum), war, foreign powers, and Ghandour’s call for dialogue… together with his testimonies. .
Why does the Communist Party refuse to join the “Taqaddum” coalition?
The political proposal for Taqaddum reproduces the crisis in Sudan, and it is the same path that our country tried after the revolution, and here the disastrous results demonstrate the misery of betting on partnership with the military, or obstructing crucial issues under false pretexts..
The war that broke out due to the struggle over power, and the failure to dismantle the structure of the old regime during the transitional period, produced a new reality that Taqaddum could not absorb. The forces that made the revolution, including the resistance committees, will not allow the revolution to be hijacked again or mortgage Sudan’s future to external forces, as Taqaddum bets.
As it presented itself, we can say that it lost the trust of the people, as it ignored the demands of the revolution when it rose to power, and even became hostile to the resistance committees.
But Taqaddum led by Hamdouk now has a political movement through which it confirms its adherence to the revolution?!
Its political movement is nothing more than a leap in the dark.
After all that happened, holding accountable those who ignited the war and killed the martyrs, and the purely civilian transitional authority, are the priorities of the revolutionary masses, along with removing the military from power, dissolving all militias, liquidating the structure of the former regime, and prosecuting the criminal, and these are demands that Taqaddum avoids in its search for a political settlement.
How do you view the Paris conference, and will external pressure force the army to make Taqaddum join the Jeddah negotiations?
The Paris conference and the story of the international community’s support are a storm in a cup, simply because those who are not keen on stopping the fighting and the death of people will not be keen on providing relief or keeping them alive.. This world, which is called the international community, measures with 100 standards, and we tried such conferences that took place during the days of Hamdouk, and their result is a big zero… This conference will bring death, and the mourning will end with the end of the burial ceremony.
There are those who believe that Taqaddum represents the political ally of RSF. Do you agree with this statement?
I do not believe that Taqaddum represents an ally of the RSF, but rather that it is searching again for a formula for transitional rule in which it takes the upper hand, and the Taqaddum group still considers that understandings with the military are the quickest way to reach power, while we and the forces of radical change see that the victory of the revolution is inevitable and that the will of the people will be defeated. The plans of the military component or as a militia to rule Sudan, and they are scandalous plans that are said in public.
There are no commandments for the people…and the people said a word about them.
The military is to barracks and the Janjaweed to be disbanded, but Taqaddum considers otherwise
Whoever bets on the losing horse is a loser.
There are those who say that the voice of the Communist Party is absent or perhaps low regarding the RSF violations in Darfur and Gezira?!
The voice of the Communist Party was never absent at any moment, whether in statement, declaration, or practical position. We and the resistance committees are the only ones who have voiced the necessity of dissolving the RSF Militia and other militias since after the revolution, when everyone was talking about integration and subordination to the regular forces. Our vision to stop the war is declared. .. Since its first day, No to war. It will stop with the will and pressure of the people, and it can be done with the help of friendly countries. We said that this war is absurd and its two sides turned together against the transitional period and conspired against it.
What is the Communist Party’s vision of stopping the war?!
Stopping the war, punishing the perpetrators of crimes, and a revolutionary civil authority to lead the transition.
Does the solution negotiated through the Jeddah platform represent an appropriate option to end the war?
Jeddah or any external effort should focus on how to stop the war and not on arranging subsequent political measures.
This is the matter of the Sudanese people, and the conflict is already taking place between the forces of the revolution and their enemies. It will continue after the war, but the victory belongs to the people in the end.
It is attributed to the Communist Party the demand to limit the armament of the army and RSF. How does your party equate a national regular army fighting a force that rebelled against it and finding open regional support?!
This war is more like a proxy war, with well-known external parties fueling it to serve their agenda and interests.
Therefore, stopping the war requires stopping supplies to both sides of the conflict, which leads to the loss of the homeland and massive death among civilians.
Therefore, lining up with/or against portends a prolonged war and fears of dividing Sudan.
What do you think of the speech of the leader of the former regime, Professor Ibrahim Ghandour, that the Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue is the way to end the war, and does comprehensive dialogue represent a solution to the crisis, as Ghandour believes?
The National Congress is dead in the eyes of the Sudanese people, and the December Revolution has wiped it out forever.
It committed heinous crimes against the people and the country
Every criminal must get punishment
There is no place for it in any transitional scene.
The humanitarian crisis is frighteningly escalating as a result of displacement and daily forced displacement on Gezira and elsewhere, in addition to the non-payment of wages and the disruption of production. What are your ways to address the humanitarian crisis?
Stopping the war opens up broad opportunities for humanitarian aid.
The Sudanese inside, whether they were in resistance committees, services, or trade union committees, such as doctors, spared no effort in providing this aid according to the available capabilities, and they made heroic sacrifices that cost some their lives. This is the strength of the people in times of adversity and crises.
We see the call to stop the war as a national duty to save millions who are threatened with death by starvation or by bullets in most combat zones.

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