
The UAE Disavows Support for RSF Militia

Sudan Events – Agencies

The UAE mission to the United Nations has responded to the allegations of the Sudanese representative to the United Nations about the UAE’s involvement in “any form of aggression” and “destabilization” in Sudan, describing these allegations as “false.”
The mission said, quoting the Permanent Ambassador, Mohamed Abu Shehab, on its page on the “X” platform that the UAE “categorically rejects the allegations made by the Permanent Representative of Sudan, which are baseless and contradict the established fraternal relations between our two countries.”
Abu Shehab continued in the statement: “Unfortunately, it appears that this is nothing more than an attempt to divert attention from the conflict and from the deteriorating humanitarian situation resulting from the continued fighting.”
The UAE added in the statement: “All allegations related to the UAE’s involvement in any form of aggression or destabilization in Sudan, or its provision of any military, logistical, financial or political support to any faction in Sudan, are false and baseless.” “It lacks any reliable evidence to support it.”
The UAE confirmed that, since the beginning of the conflict in Sudan, it has expressed its belief that “there is no military solution to the conflict” and expressed its concern about the conflicting parties’ failure to respond to calls for a cessation of hostilities or efforts to reach a sustainable solution through dialogue.
Abu Dhabi also expressed its concern about the spread of “misinformation and false narratives, which would undermine any efforts aimed at promoting constructive dialogue and ultimately paving the way towards achieving lasting peace.”
The UAE Ambassador affirmed his country’s position based on “the UAE’s respect and commitment to upholding the principles of international law, including the United Nations Charter,” and stressed Abu Dhabi’s respect for the “sovereignty of other countries”, its refraining from interfering in their internal affairs, and its commitment to full compliance with Security Council resolutions.
The UAE stressed its support for a peaceful solution in Sudan, saying: “The United Arab Emirates will remain committed to supporting a peaceful solution to the conflict in Sudan, and we will continue to work with all concerned, and support any process aimed at putting Sudan on the political path to reach a permanent settlement, and achieving a national consensus to form Civilian-led government.


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