Musa Hilal: We Stand with State of (56) and Support the Army

Sudan Events – Agencies
The leader of the Mahamid and the Revolutionary Sahwa (Awakening) Council, Musa Hilal, has sent strongly worded messages to the leader of the Rapid Support Militia (RSF), Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo (Hemedti). Hilal announced that he backs the state of 56, supporting the Sudanese Armed Forces and fighting in its ranks through the Sahwa Organization.
Hilal said, addressing his supporters: “We are sacrificing the country with blood, and we are not advocates of war and we do not honor war, but armed looting took place, and we are the ones who defended Sudan and our graves fill the earth, so how can someone who is worthless talk about the owners of the right and talk about the origin although he came in the year 2018?” And he speaks about me with what right? – referring to Hemedti)
He added: (For those who praise the State of 56, we tell them that State 56 is the independence of Sudan, State 56 is the Graduates Conference, State 56 is the While Flag League headed by Ali Abdul Latif, State 56 is the Al-Azhari leader, State 56 is Professor Mohammad Ahmed Al-Mahjoub, State 56 is Mubarak Zarrouk, State 56 is Imam Abdul-Rahman Al-Mahdi, State 56 is Sayed Ali Al-Mirghani, and those who are fighting State of 56 are ignorant, arrogant people who know nothing. We are with Sudan, with the independence of Sudan, and with the homeland of Sudan, and we are militating as others are militarizing, and we are militating following the Sudanese state and the forces. We are armed, and we camp under the Sudanese police. We in the Sahwa camp are part of the nation and complement it, and we are politicized with our ideas and our proposed project. We are not slaves or “of unknown parents.” We are free and we will continue the journey, and no one dictates anything to us. This Sudan is a country of culture, heritage, and science. )
He said, “What is required of the good citizen is a ceasefire and an end to the war, not to sabotage his country and stand behind the invasion of his homeland… and from here we declare our stand with all the state’s sovereign, military, security and economic institutions.”
He added: (We are against the mercenaries who were brought to invade Sudan from Libya, Chad, Niger, Nigeria, Central Africa, Eritrea and Ethiopia. We are not one of them and we are not with them, and this is a message to all the family, and to everyone who begged himself to go to the capital of the country, to plunder the rights of citizens and sabotage the state, and you must deliver this. The message to everyone over whom you have guardianship, from your sons, your brothers, your cousins, and everyone who hears your words, is to stand strong with the homeland and its stability, with the ceasefire, and with the cessation of the war in Sudan. This is what is required of a good citizen. We must all be with the homeland and the forces. Armed forces and not with any militia, and we say the truth and with the truth and not falsehood, that falsehood was lost.. We are with the War of Dignity for Sudan to return to its natural place, united and stable, with political stability leading the state).