
A stormy Session in Congress due to “Sudan War” and critiques on Biden Administration

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

A member of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senator Jim Rich has criticized the US special envoy to Sudan, Tom Perriello.
Jim Rich said in a stormy session of Congress on Wednesday, addressing Perriello, “Please do not spend your time today telling us how bad the situation is in Sudan. We already know that, and the world knows that. In this limited time today, we need to listen to the administration’s very specific and precise plans and actionable solutions on how to get out of this crisis.”
Rich added, “Can you promise that we will see bold and resolute action from the United States? Will you support my decision that considers the atrocities committed in Darfur and other parts of Sudan to be genocide? Do you support the imposition of Magnitsky sanctions on General Hemedti and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) for the death and destruction they have caused?” “If not, we will be back here in 12 months, counting more lives lost to greed, hatred and incompetence.”
Addressing Periello, he added, “Your task is difficult. The administration’s response to the crisis in Sudan was weak, and compared to its efforts in regional crises such as Gaza and Ukraine, the administration did not show any leadership in Sudan. Emergency diplomacy with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Jeddah has failed repeatedly, and yet you recommend another round.” From the dialogues: Although dialogues can be important, this committee needs to know how these dialogues will be different and how they will actually achieve something.”
He continued, “I would also like to understand how your participation and trips to Europe and the Gulf led to a change in our partners’ approach to curbing and disrupting the actions of external actors such as the United Arab Emirates, Iran, and Russia. These actors have descended on Sudan like vultures, preying on the last remnants of the state, and extracting the country’s precious resources.” “And fuels this war to achieve their own goals.”

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