
“Sudan Call” … Segments of Society Align

Report by Nahid Oshi

Economists, Sufi sects, jurists, musicians, artists, poets, media professionals, and all segments of Sudanese society, engulfed in the flames of war that broke out since the morning of Saturday, April 15, 2023, and eliminated the green and dry resources of Sudan.  These groups agreed to respond to Sudan’s call, which was launched in the Egyptian capital, Cairo

to criminalize the Rapid Support militia (RSF) that committed the most heinous humanitarian crimes against Sudan and its people, including the systematic destruction of infrastructure, the rape of women, the recruitment of minor children, forcing them to fight, and other crimes that will be highlighted to the whole world through the Sudan Call conference scheduled to be held during the coming period.

Condemning the militia:

The Managing Director of the Egyptian-Sudanese Foundation for Economic Integration and the Sudanese-Egyptian Integration Ambassador, Hassan Kamal El-Din Waqi Allah, confirms that the war in Sudan is a big issue that we seek to present to the world in detail and to condemn the RSF militia for committing crimes against humanity.

He revealed the goals of the Sudan Call Conference and said that legal cases will be raised to criminalize the terrorist militia for the violations it has committed in Sudan, theft, destruction of citizens’ property, the practice of urban warfare, the rape and sale of women as “slaves” in some neighboring countries, in addition to the refugee issues, as the refugee camps are going through difficult living conditions in addition to present a vision of reparations and how to compensate the citizen through a committee specialized in reparations in agreement with donor countries.

Children without support:

Hassan pointed out that the war created a large number of children without support, which necessitated developing a plan to establish villages for children without support.  In addition to the militia’s attempt to obliterate Sudan’s identity by stealing antiquities and destroying what remains of them, UNESCO and the British and Egyptian museums called for the return of Sudanese antiquities and their destruction.

The militia also destroyed national documents and obliterated Sudanese cultural heritage

Scientific research related to agriculture in Gezira State was annihilated, and the efforts of agricultural engineers and specialists were tampered with.

With the exploitation of the country’s wealth and its disposal in favor of the RSF Militia, especially gold

In addition to the forced displacement of citizens and the receipt of their property and homes, he said that now the citizens are homeless, as the war left large numbers of refugees inside and outside Sudan.

Restoration of the native administration:

Hassan pointed out the use of Sudanese tribes in war and the dismantling of the social fabric. He said, “We want to reformulate the social fabric and rehabilitate and restore the native administration.”

Egyptian role:

Dr. Amal Hilal, Deputy Egyptian Organizations and Ambassador of Sudanese-Egyptian Integration, stressed the importance of joint cooperation between the two countries. She criticized the issue of Sudan and said that joint cooperation between the two countries helps in rebuilding and building Sudan. She stressed the integration between the two countries to restore infrastructure through agreements with Egyptian organizations to create a common market between the two countries. She condemned the militia crimes include murder, rape, and the destruction of the economy and infrastructure

Destruction of the banking sector:

Banking expert Bilal Ali Anbar revealed that the banks were destroyed as a result of the war, especially since 90% of the deposits were in the banks in Khartoum, indicating that

Banks currently operate in safe states, but performance is not the same as before.

He said that the return of the banks must be discussed and they must play their role.

He added that the banking sector must be reconstructed and thinking outside the box.

Hassan Kamal revealed the role of the Sudanese-Egyptian Foundation for Economic Integration, in cooperation with the Egyptian army and economic institutions, in participating in the reconstruction and redevelopment of Sudan.

He said that Egypt’s proximity to Sudan facilitates the process of building Sudan and achieving the desired development, as goods are exchanged between the two countries in exchange for development.

Hassan announced the launch of specialized workshops, while a workshop was allocated to banks to reorganize the banking sector in Port Sudan

He said, “We have started with the Egyptian side to establish Sudanese banks in Egypt, and we have a map on how to restore the structural plan for Khartoum.”

Arts sector:

He warned that the arts and sports sector was affected by the war, noting the importance of the sector’s role and participation in the Sudan Call Conferences

He called for holding national nights that reflect love for Sudan.

He pointed out the impact of sports on the war, as the national team was displaced and the clubs became displaced. He added the importance of holding a workshop to discuss how to restore the sporting aspect and address the devastating effects of the war. We also propose presenting an artistic work (choir) that explains the tragedy and reflects the crimes through images and audio, especially since there is a collection of videos condemning the militia.  .

The arts address:

The artist, Issam Mohamed Nour, praised the role of the arts in participating in the Sudan Call and said, “We want to actually help in the reconstruction of Sudan and not add to its pain, and we need to join efforts away from differences.” He added, “Now is the time for action and implementation, not excessive talk.”

The director of the Winx Center, Dr.  Abu Bakr participated in the event with international artists, international ambassadors and civil society organizations, in addition to the participation of American actress Angelina Jolie. He said that there must be a focus on pressing issues during the conference and highlighting the rape of women. He said that it is one of the issues that most attracts the world’s attention.

The Janjaweed were considered the enemy of Sudan, as they destroyed the country and committed violations.


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