
Foreign Ministry: EU Cannot Morally Call for a Ceasefire

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has rejected what was included in the latest European Union statement regarding the situation in the city of El Fasher, accusing the armed forces of indiscriminate bombing and equating them with the terrorist Rapid Support militia (RSF).
The Ministry said in a statement that the European Union was unable to name those who are attacking the city of El Fasher, targeting civilians and camps for displaced people, and preventing relief from reaching it, even though the militia itself has repeatedly announced its plans to attack the city and prevent humanitarian aid from reaching it, and has actually implemented that, without this being met with condemnation it deserves by the European Union.
The Ministry added, “Instead of demanding that the aggressor stop his aggression, the European Union involves the armed forces defending the city and its people in the condemnation.”
The Ministry further stressed that the European Union ignores the fact that the regions and cities that have not been affected by terrorist militia attacks enjoy peace and have humanitarian needs available, and that the militia brings with it murder, devastation and humanitarian crises. It is also blind to the fact that all Sudanese riot groups rally around the armed forces as its protector, the symbol of its sovereignty and the first national institution in the country.
The Foreign Ministry added, “The European Union also ignores the regional sponsors of the militia, whose supplies of weapons and mercenaries are still continuing, which enables it to continue its attacks on safe areas. It is clear that the commercial interests of some EU countries with the militia’s sponsors prevent it from condemning it or pressuring it to stop igniting the fire of war in Sudan”.

The statement stressed that talking about opening all crossings for the entry of humanitarian aid is a false statement, as all the crossings that were agreed upon with the United Nations are open and available. However, the statement refers to one crossing used by the militia to supply weapons, equipment, and supplies to its members, after the area was evacuated of all its residents in the worst ethnic cleansing process known to the region, and it added, “In light of this, the European Union’s insistence on this crossing in particular is suspicious.”
The Ministry added, “For all of the above, the European Union does not take the correct moral position that would enable it to contribute to stopping the war and to preach to others about human values and international humanitarian law.”

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