
Minawi Movement: Movement Leaders Sell their Consciences and Fight with Militia

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The leader of the Sudan Liberation Movement (Minawi) Command, Nour Al-Daim Taha, said that some leaders of the armed movements are fighting side by side with the Rapid Support Militia(RSF), against civilians in El Fasher.
He added, “Although they do not have enough courage to declare this openly, in reality they are part of the violations committed by the RSF Militia, and they bear criminal, moral and political responsibility before their families.”
Nour Al-Daim said in a tweet on the X platform” although they are recent in the revolution but we accepted them to be part of Juba peace Agreement but later we discovered that they could buy their conscience with cheap price “.
He stressed that the people are facing an existential battle, which may or may not exist, and it is their duty to defend themselves, money, honor, and land against the project of armed robbery.

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