
Dollar Prices Stabilize after the Last Rise

Events – Rehab Abdullah

Foreign currency prices in the parallel (black) market and banks stuck to the latest increase recorded recently in the exchange rate against the Sudanese pound.
Traders said in their interview with (Sudan Events) that foreign currency prices stabilized at a recent rise, as the purchase price of the dollar in unofficial parallel market trading (Monday) stabilized at 1,730 pounds, while the selling price of the dollar reached 1,750 pounds, at a time when the price of the Saudi riyal reached 462 pounds. While the price of the Emirati dirham reached 471.38 pounds, the price of the Qatari riyal reached 475.27 pounds. The price of the Omani riyal reached 4421.05 pounds. While the Bahraini price reached 4552.63 pounds.
At a time when the price of the dollar in banks stabilized at its last rise, as the purchase price of the dollar reached 1,255 pounds, while the selling price reached 1,264.42 pounds for sale in the Bank of Khartoum. The purchase price of the dollar stabilized at 1,260 pounds and 1,269.45 pounds for sale in the Bank of Omdurman, while its price decreased in the Bank of Khartoum. As for Faisal Islamic Bank, its purchase price reached 1180 pounds and 1184.42 pounds for sale.

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