“Decorated with Dust ”…..Sudan will Never Return to What it was…

By: Mohammad Abdullah
The symbolism of Mohammad Siddiq is not in himself as a normal Sudanese and a former officer in the armed forces…but his true symbolism is that he can say “no” in a time when men were proud and bear the consequences of this “no”…
Mohammad Siddiq may express the revolution, anxiety, and rebellion of many Sudanese youth, but he is more capable and daring than them to pay the bills for his revolution…
There was no end more worthy of him than what he found… and the nature of his personality was not suitable for an ordinary martyrdom riding a bullet, a tank, or a mine, only for his companions to find him afterwards lying quietly without any introductions…
It is the wisdom of God to make him a revolutionary symbol at the moment of confluence of time and place with young people dreaming of a better homeland, disregarding the laws of the military uniform that he wears and to make his only two stars on his shoulder a dowry for a better dawn that the hyenas of profiteers and the foxes of political disgrace crept up to in the dark of the night…
And when the “lying burden” of the hyenas of politics, the trembling military, and the carcasses of the militia resulted in a war that targeted Sudan at the core of its people, history, and geography, Mohammad found no friend in his heart except to follow his feelings, dignity, and manhood, so he returned, and he is the most deserving of people to stay away and stand in the shadows or leave the scene, as he has paid his share of the price before this…but this is the fate of “anxious souls”…
The scene of his capture was a “final shot” in the heart of our Sudan, which was… His steadfastness was not the hero in it, but rather the recklessness of those who captured him in an attempt to humiliate him. They realize very well that they are not dealing with just a prisoner, but rather he is a symbol of those who can say “No.” From the people of Sudan…
It was not a slap in the face of the martyr Mohammad Siddiq, but rather a “spit” in the face and dignity of any Sudanese who has an ounce of honesty, manhood and belonging in his heart…
I do not believe that the Sudan we know will return without “painful surgeries” and without the amputation of many of the organs that greatly eroded the cohesion and integrity of the Sudanese heart and conscience…
Mohammad Siddiq, with his testimony, transferred the conflict from the category of authority, the army, and the militia to the category of conflict over the values of right, dignity, and the basics of citizenship….
No one will be spared the blood of Mohammad Siddiq, even after a while… His vengeance will affect everyone who harmed this defeated people… The curse of his revenge will not only affect those hyenas who were dancing around him… but this curse will also affect all the medals and the studded stars that trembled. They sold and betrayed all the turbans and elegant neckties that lay behind their false slogans while carrying Osman’s Sudanese shirt, hoping that through it they would gain mirage power….
To a paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth, Mohammad Siddiq…Congratulations on the dowry you paid for a better Sudan…like you will not and will not die…