
In a hurry: Summary.

By:Hassan Ismail

> It is not ideal for the state leadership to work under the pressure of public opinion, and it is not ideal for its actions to absorb the reactions of angry public opinion… and then remain silent until the pressure of public opinion awakens it again!!!
> Arming the popular resistance came late and came under the pressure of public opinion, and we do not want the military operation that took place last night north of Bahri to be an act in this direction!!!
> It is better for all of us (not to put the leadership) under the pressure of public opinion, and it is better for the leadership not to put itself under the pressure of public opinion and then be forced to produce a policy that absorbs anger and extinguishes fires.
> It is better for all of us for the leadership to have a solid strategy. It is not a requirement for public opinion to be informed of its details, but rather it is more important for them to sense its results.
> This will make the relationship healthy between the leadership and public opinion. This healthy relationship means a higher wall of reliability. It means a healthier reciprocal relationship between society and leadership. Society provides the leadership with energy and support, and the leadership improves the management of that energy…. This absorbs all cases of negative emotion among the ranks of the national and popular movement, the masses and leadership
> There are clear and visible mistakes, the first of which is the weakness of the work of (some) state governments. Indeed, some governors are working to contain the popular resistance, shackle it, and occupy some of its members with other work, and they strive to surround it with state bureaucracy.
> The intelligence gaps through which the rebellion infiltrated Gezira State are repeated (with carbon) in White Nile State, and the people will not let this pass if it is repeated, and the eastern states will not tolerate a new exodus.
> I was one of those who authorized the army and its leadership… As for delegating the army, it is a flowing sea that will never run dry. As for delegating leadership, it is based on the exchange of advice, credibility, and reliability… Its base… (What would you do if I became bored with you like this) and its ceiling (So we say this with our pens) !!
> We say this while relying on two facts… that this is a dirty war against Sudan and its people, in which many international and regional hands are defeated… and that our army is capable, God willing, of winning it if we prepare well for that…
> As for what follows… This is a summary of what happened in a phone call with one of the senior security leaders this morning… An approach to dialogue and communication that we prefer, thank, and appreciate…. This is not the battle of the army alone, nor the battle of the leadership alone, but rather the battle of all of us (in which a rope binds us and a sword separate us apart). (except those who refuse)
> In the context of this, we will not stand in the line of “blind betrayal” and we will not stand in the line of sanctification and hollow, poorly made chants.
> (Thank you, Your Excellency)
>My respects
##The army is a red line##
## Criticism for failures and misjudgments…and praise for achievements ##
May 22, 2024 *

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