
Execution of a Collaborator with the Militia in Gedaref

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The East Gedaref Criminal Court, headed by Judge Al-Hassan Al-Noush, on Thursday, sentenced the accused (A.A.A) to death by hanging, under Articles (51/A-65) of the Criminal Code of 1991 AD, related to provoking war against the state and aiding and participating in criminal and terrorist organizations and groups.
The facts of the case in question are summarized in the fact that the convict lives in a house Army residence within the 2nd Infantry Division, which was allocated to his father, who was martyred years ago. The intelligence of the 2nd Infantry Division in Gedaref arrested him, as part of its collection of information and monitoring of groups and individuals suspected of supporting or belonging to the rebel militia, as it had information about the accused’s communication with the enemy, and then he was arrested from his place of residence.
According to the Sudan News Agency, through investigations, intelligence found letters between him and some rebels, including Omar Jibril, Ahmed Al-Dhi Bishara, Al-Mahri Al-Dami, and field commanders. After being referred for trial, he admitted to sending intelligence information to the enemy in which he showed it the readiness of the armed forces in Gedaref and their preparedness in terms of trenches around the division and mines. He also followed with them the movement of the rebel forces moment by moment until they entered Wad Medani, and he had suggested to them that Omdurman be cleaned first. He also wrote a post on Facebook threatening to erase the city of Shendi from its location.
The convict’s lawyer had asked the court to reduce the sentence in defense of the fact that the convict had two brothers in combat with the armed forces. The court stated in its memorandum on the punishment that the convict’s act was considered high treason to the homeland, especially since his father had sold himself in sacrifice for the homeland and that his two brothers were now leading the ranks to defeat the enemy or martyrdom, and that the convict had turned himself into an agent for the rebel militia and had worn the guise of treason and was exposed to the shame of conspiring against the nation society and its constants, and thus deserved that punishment that aims to achieve the legislator’s goal of protecting societies, preserving their security and unity, and preserving national cohesion.

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