Crop Prices at Sennar Commercial Point

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah
Crop prices at the Sennar trading point recorded a significant increase. The highest price for a quintal of white sesame of full documents reached 110,000 pounds, while the price of a quintal of white sesame without documents reached 105,000 pounds.
The price of a quintal of Hashab Gum Arabic in the Abu Heggar region (Wad El Neyel) was 170,000 pounds, while the price of a quintal of undocumented acacia gum reached 55,000 pounds.
At the meantime the price of a ton of groundnuts was recorded at 1,200,000 pounds, the price of a ton of western groundnuts was 1,350,000 pounds, the highest price for flour was 100,000 pounds, the highest price for Tabaat sorghum was 110,000 pounds, and the highest price for millet was 120,000 pounds.