
Rehabilitation of Service Sites in Old Omdurman

Sudan Events – Nahid Oshi

The Khartoum Water Corporation has announced that the water crisis in a number of Omdurman neighborhoods is nearing an end.

Director of the Corporation, Engineer Mohammad Ali Al-Ajab, referred to the work that has been completed so far, stressing that the current efforts will contribute to restoring water to a number of old Omdurman neighborhoods.

He revealed the major engineering work to replace the main water line east of the Ahmed Sharafi graves as a final solution to this problem, which caused great inconvenience to citizens and led to water leakage into neighboring areas. He expected the end of maintenance in the coming days, which would contribute to stabilizing the water supply to the areas of Wad Nubawi, Al-Qamayr, Al-Kebjab, and the southern neighborhoods of Al-Thawra, pointing to the efforts made to repair a number of service facilities in old Omdurman in preparation for them to enter service again. Meanwhile, the Governor of Khartoum, Ahmed Osman Hamza, expressed great interest in finding spaces to bury the dead in the Ahmed Sharafi cemeteries and closing a number of cemeteries in Omdurman and Karari after the spaces allocated for burial were filled. The governor said:  The treatment that is currently taking place in the Ahmed Sharafi graves is based on preserving the fields designated for practicing sports and exploiting some of the spaces around the Ahmed Sharafi graves to bury the dead. He said that the committee that was formed for this task has come a long way in its work and has begun implementing the treatments by preparing a number of graves for burial works.  .

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