
Joint Force: We Crush the Main Force of Militia in El Fasher

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The official spokesman for the Joint Force of Armed Struggle Movements, Major Ahmed Hussein Mustafa, has announced the crushing of the main forces that the Rapid Support Militia had been mobilizing for months to invade El Fasher, and said, “And now it is dealing with all professionalism with the remnants of this force that tries to penetrate the city from time to time and is working to record The city was hit with heavy weapons from outside.”
He denied the allegations of the Al Dagalo militia, which promote that some leaders of the joint forces of armed struggle movements are negotiating with the militia to exit El Fasher and other places.
He said in a statement that the militia’s war propaganda tools began spreading such rumors with the aim of diverting attention from the successive defeats it suffered at the hands of the armed forces and the joint forces during the past two weeks.
He stressed that all leaders of the joint force are on the front lines to lead the battles in order to protect the city and civilians, and these defeatist rumors about the Janjaweed should not deceive anyone.
The statement reiterated that the joint forces of the armed struggle movements will remain side by side with the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Popular Self-Defense Forces to secure the city and the citizens and liberate every inch of the homeland from the filth of the rebel militia. There is no room for negotiation with those who kill innocents and plunder the property of citizens and do not know the humanity values.
The statement confirmed that during the battles, a number of militia members were arrested and in possession of recent military certificates and cards proving that they were supported militarily and logistically and were trained in foreign military institutes to carry out the invasion of the city of El Fasher, which confirms that the Rapid Support Militia are mercenary forces that are used to implement the foreign agenda of countries, specifically to destroy Sudan, displace the Sudanese people, and control their resources.

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