
Zadna Invests one Million Fedans for Agricultural and Livestock Production in River Nile

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

Zadna International Investment Company said that the map of the (Zadi 1) project for agricultural and livestock production will be completed soon on an area estimated at about one million fedans in the middle of the River Nile State in northern Sudan.
The company confirmed that it will continue to implement the projects it announced to serve the Sudanese people and society, which have been exhausted and widely affected by the war, noting that it has overcome difficulties to achieve any plans despite the sanctions and war conditions.
Major General (R) Adel Hassan Homaida Hamed, Assistant Director General for Projects, said that the company was able to achieve this under the guidance and leadership of Director General Dr. Taha Hussein.
He explained in an enlightenment at the project headquarters in Berber, to the delegation of media professionals participating in the media workshop recently organized by the Ankara Center for Press Services in Port Sudan, that the administration was able to transfer a large number of vehicles to the River Nile State after the outbreak of war in Khartoum.
He said that the directives of the Director-General, two days after the outbreak of the war, were the reason for the transfer of fuel and water tanks, loaders, excavators, and everything related to the implementation of projects, including mechanisms for development operations in roads, agriculture, and industry.
Adel Hamed explained that Zadna Company was able to secure warehouses from what he called (war merchants) and provided strategic goods to all states, noting that the company on the Nile River accommodated all the basic institutions and their requirements, including housing, offices, and vehicles.
He said that the Zadi 1 project is considered the largest project in the Middle East, refuting some accusations against the company, which he said works to serve the Sudanese people and has completed the largest projects.
Post-war development.
He stated that Zadna Company is implementing a number of large projects, most notably Zadi 1 and the Atbara Airport project, in addition to providing pumps and rehabilitating agricultural projects, including the Al-Gash project in Kassala State, in addition to implementing a large project with the Arab Company in Khashm Al-Qirba.
For his part, engineer Ahmed Abdel Azim Al-Sheikh gave an explanation accompanied by pictures about the Zadi 1 project, explaining what has been implemented and what is under implementation.
He said that the Zadi 1 project has an area of ​​one million acres for agricultural and livestock production, and it operates with about 1,500 to 3,000 pivot irrigation devices and a main canal 22 km long and 36 meters wide, with 3 main stations and 32 pumps that produce 100 cubic meters per second.
And poultry production barns, calf fattening, and dairy farms. He said that the overall map of the project will be completed soon.





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