
Hamdouk.. Burning the Boats of Return

Sudan Events – Abdul Basset Idris

After he was Prime Minister, with the advantage that he came to the scene from outside the circles of traditional political conflict, carrying bright slogans, Abdullah Hamdok chose “to stand in the face of the security and military establishment and the popular roar rejecting the violations of Hemedti’s militia. Is the man promised a new role, or has he burned the last boats of return?” ?
New army:
Hamdouk, as many believe, did not stand at least one distance in a war on the country that the Sudanese see as not accepting neutrality, but the man, with premeditation, moved to a new category, which is identification and full support for the French-Emirati-European project in Sudan, and despite the state of calm and balance and avoidance of provoking differences, However, he deliberately aroused doubts about him on the part of the military establishment, after he took three unilateral steps. The first was a request for a UN mission, the second was his visit to Kauda and meeting with Al-Hilu, and the third was his signing of an agreement on state secularism with Al-Hilu in Addis Ababa. In a final step, Hamdok concluded three steps. New agreements were the first with Hemedti to commit to democracy and form civil administrations in areas controlled by the militia. The second was an agreement with Al-Hilu with the same features as Addis Ababa, and the third was with Abdul Wahed Nour. The most important provisions of the recent agreement between Hamdouk, Al-Hilu and Abdul Wahed were the establishment of a “new army” and “new security” on the ruins of the military institution, which is more than a hundred years old, and it is noted that Hamdouk, according to the language of the agreement, abandoned “reform” and replaced it with the formation of a new army and security, which means “demolishing the army and rebuilding it.”
Does he have a new role?:
Journalist Abdul Majid Abdul Hamid told Sudan Events: “Hamdouk will not have another chance in the Sudanese political scene.”
A lot of water flowed under the bridge that was deducted from Hamdouk’s balance, the most important of which is the cracks that occurred in the wall of the political forces that were supporting Hamdouk, whose experience became linked to a notorious political era.”
On the other hand, Moayed Faraj says, “I don’t know what happened to us. I feel like I’m in a dream and that everything that’s going on in terms of war and the elimination of the revolution is just a nightmare. We want Hamdouk, and we have an unfinished dream. We want him of our own free will, not through the Janjaweed, whom we will not accept.”
A puppet in the Axes hand:
Writer and political analyst Mohammad Al-Mahi Al-Ansari confirms to (Sudan Events) that Abdullah Hamdok has become a puppet in the hands of a regional axis that is waging a war against Sudan in which he uses the Rapid Support Militia, and the Sudanese people stand behind their army in this battle for the survival of the state entity, and Hamdouk is classified as part of the conspiracy against him and the nation. Therefore, he will not accept to have any role in the next stage, and Al-Ansari adds, “Hamdouk is well aware of this, so he went to ally himself with the militia by signing an agreement with Hemedti in Addis Ababa so that the militia would achieve political support, because Hamdouk’s idea was that rapid support would be a political party in the scene.” “Until the idea of ​​three rulings is achieved, based on the Rapid Support and Advancement and the army being in power through a partnership,” he added, “Therefore, Hamdouk and every leadership that came forward worked forcefully to acquit the militia of ethnic cleansing, forced displacement, crimes against humanity, rape, and other crimes of genocide, because attributing it to the militia means expelling it.” From the Sudanese scene, and he wants to preserve it, so he treats these crimes and massacres and calls them violations so that he can find corresponding hypothetical violations in the Sudanese army, because if he calls the actions of rapid support by what international law calls them, he will not find anything like them in the Sudanese army, because the army protects the citizen and does not kill him. The best evidence of this is that the Sudanese are fleeing from the areas entered by the Rapid Support to the areas controlled by the Sudanese army.”
Lack of national spirit:
In turn, political analyst Azmi Abdul Razek told (Sudan Events) that Hamdouk submitted his resignation in January 2022 as prime minister of the transitional period, and said that he would make room for someone else, and left Sudan. He then appeared twice after the war, in which he demanded the first time to go to negotiate with the Rapid Support Forces. The second time, he said that they submitted a memorandum, in their capacity as members of the constitutional government, objecting to the participation of the President of the Sovereign Council, Lieutenant General Abdul Fattah Al-Burhan, in the meetings of the United Nations General Assembly.
Azmi adds, “Hamdok lacks the national spirit and charisma, and he is merely performing for the colonial center through their agent in the region, the Emirates, like him and any political contractor. Now his matter has been exposed, and in the eyes of many Sudanese he has become a mere (agent), and he himself does not wish to play any future role.” “He is just an international employee with no political ambitions, who wants to accomplish the mission and disappear forever.”

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