
Disastrous Courtesies or Disastrous Project? (1-3)

By: Ibrahim Osman

In her answer to a question from Al Jazeera broadcaster Ahmed Taha about what she regrets and promises not to repeat, Dr. Maryam Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi said: (There are cases in which I was negligent, in a way that involved more courtesy or more patience. If I had imagined that things would reach such situation, I would have been stronger in them and confronted them, especially in the last stages. We would have been more transparent and we would have been more accepting of the other.)
Was it really Dr. Maryam was in a state of “courtesy” or “patience” with things she did not believe in and learned – recently and too late – that their results were disastrous, or was she the tip of the spear in supporting and defending it, accusing its critics, and adopting it as a project for the party? Let us let Dr. Maryam’s statements during that period (the frame work agreement period) answer this question:
▪ She supported secrecy and lack of transparency, and said: (Certainly in the past period these understandings were characterized by “secrecy,” and now “after both parties signed them,” we therefore saw it necessary to have “broad participation.”)
▪And even this “broad participation” – which they saw as necessary after secretly agreeing and signing! She was interpreting it, in the following sentence, according to the interpretation of FFC hawks and saying verbatim: (The parties concerned with this political process, after months of fallacies after the coup on October 25, were agreed upon “exclusively”..)!
▪ This proves that she was defending a definition of “broad participation” that emptied the word “participation” of its content and made it carry the humiliating meaning of “subordination.” It also emptied the word “broad” of its content and made it carry the meaning of “exclusivity”! She was not in a state of “courtesy” or patience with what she did not believe in!
▪ It is proven that she was the tip of the spear in the exclusion project; She confronts those who resist it, “argues with them for months,” accuses them of “fallacies,” and imposes on them “settlement according to Arman’s horizon”! What is between the brackets is the title of a short article I wrote in
March 14, 2023
▪It proves that by negotiating and agreeing with the military alone, they left no room for suspicion that they represent the rest of the political forces, and it proves that the agreement they were keen to reach first is the “exclusivity of the parties” that is allowed to be followed! Hemedti was their support in this exclusion: (Hemedti: There is an agreed-upon written paper specifying who to sign, and there are those who come to the workshops.)!
▪ What is established is that exclusion and lack of transparency are a principle, not an exception, among the small parties that were chosen by the National Umma Party as strategic allies, and that it was and still is by its nature and acts like small party, and that the reservations and reviews of some of its leaders are dull and do not make a difference, and with the complete identification of the party’s president, its secretary-general, and a list of leaders With these parties and their options, the reviews will seem like a role-playing game.
▪Dr.’s positions. Maryam is diverse about exclusion, as she supports it and denies its existence when she is in power or close to it, and she acknowledges its existence and criticizes it during periods away from power: she was silent and did not criticize exclusion during the rule of FFC, then she acknowledged its existence and criticized it at the “Reviews” conference, then returned to supporting it during the days of the framework rule, and then returned to criticizing it now!

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